Best dog walkers in Harbeson

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Best dog walkers in Harbeson

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Karen T avatar

1. Karen T

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Beaver Dam Acres, DE, 19958


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5 (47)

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Beaver Dam Acres, DE, 19958

Janet P avatar

2. Janet P

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Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971


Five stars

4.9 (1247)

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Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971

Bryna C avatar

3. Bryna C

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Harbeson, DE, 19951


Five stars

5 (3)

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Harbeson, DE, 19951

Brianna M avatar

4. Brianna M

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Millsboro, DE, 19966


Five stars

5 (84)

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Millsboro, DE, 19966

Jodi G avatar

5. Jodi G

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Lewes, DE, 19958


Five stars

4.5 (10)

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Lewes, DE, 19958

Shannon K avatar

6. Shannon K

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Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971


Five stars

5 (57)

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Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971

Ashley G avatar

7. Ashley G

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Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971


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5 (60)

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Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971

Lionesa B avatar

8. Lionesa B

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Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971


Five stars

5 (27)

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Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971

Saorla H avatar

9. Saorla H

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Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971


Five stars

5 (42)

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Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971

Theresa N avatar

10. Theresa N

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Millsboro, DE, 19966


Five stars

4.9 (88)

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Millsboro, DE, 19966

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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Why book a dog walker in Harbeson?

Is your pup ready for a stroll around the neighborhood? Find local dog walkers in Harbeson, DE who are background checked and vetted by Wag!. Easily schedule recurring walks ahead of time for days when you're in the office, or book on demand when you're out on the town and can't get home in time to walk your dog. Wag! is here to help you ensure your pup can enjoy the sniffs and sights around your Harbeson, DE neighborhood, even sending you pictures during the walk and notifications when your furry family member does their business.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Harbeson



Northeast Harrington

Browns Branch County Park is half an hour northwest of Harbeson, in Harrington, Delaware. Harrington is a city of just over 3,500 people, and this county park is a popular place for the community to gather. This dog-friendly park doesn't have an off-leash area, but dogs are welcome to accompany you when they're on their leash. They can enjoy swimming in the clear creek in the park, and there's even a doggy water fountain for them to drink from. Other activities in the park include picnic facilities, a jungle-themed playground, and several nature trails perfect for walking with your dog.


Little Salisbury/ 94th St

Ocean City is a coastal town in Maryland that is just over a half an hour from Harbeson. On the eastern coast of the town sits the Ocean City Dog Playground, and you and your pooch won't want to miss it! This dog park has one section for dogs who weigh less than 28 pounds, as well as a section for bigger dogs. Each section of the dog playground has waste bags and water spigots, but be sure to bring your own bowl. This park requires purchasing a membership for a small fee, and when you do so, you'll receive an access code for either the small or large side of the dog park, depending on how much your dog weighs.


South Bowers

Magnolia, Delaware is half an hour north of Harbeson, and in the neighborhood of south Bowers, you'll find Bowers Beach. This popular recreation town is known for its great beaches and fishing, and your dog will have a blast visiting Bowers Beach with you. Dogs are supposed to remain on a leash while they're at Bowers Beach with you, but they'll still enjoy wading in the water with you or just strolling along the sand at your side. Bowers Beach is a peaceful, clean, and quiet beach that is often referred to as "Delaware's Best Kept Secret," and once you're there, it isn't hard to see why!


Northeast Lewes

Lewes, Delaware is 10 miles west of Harbeson, and on the northeastern edge of town, you'll find the Cape Henlopen, State Park. Thousands of visitors come to Cape Henlopen State Park each year to enjoy the hiking, biking, swimming, and other recreational activities available at the park. Dogs are allowed to join you in most parts of the park, including the miles of trails throughout the park, but they must be on a leash. From May to September, dogs are not allowed on Delaware swimming or surfing beaches, but if you're there during the off-season, your dog can join you for a leashed walk along the water.


Central Milford

In a little more than 20 minutes, you and Rover can drive from Harbeson to Milford, Delaware and the Milford Bark Park in the central part of town. This dog park is a favorite spot for locals and visitors alike, and it features a section for small dogs and a separate section for big dogs. In addition to separate sections, the park also has water, picnic tables, and covered benches to shelter you on hot days or during the rain. If you'd like to go for a leashed walk with your dog nearby, there is also a trail just outside of the dog park.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Harbeson, DE?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Harbeson, DE?


How long does a dog walk last in Harbeson, DE?


How to book a dog walk in Harbeson, DE?


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