Best dog walkers in Bluffton

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Best dog walkers in Bluffton

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Casey E avatar

1. Casey E

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Bluffton, IN, 46714


Five stars

5 (21)

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Bluffton, IN, 46714

Sarah H avatar

2. Sarah H

Wag! Expert icon
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Ossian, IN, 46777


Five stars

4.9 (22)

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Drop-In ·

Sitting ·



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Ossian, IN, 46777

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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Why book a dog walker in Bluffton?

Need a dog walker in a pinch? Vetted Pet Caregivers in the Bluffton, IN area are just a few taps away when you use the Wag! app to book a walk for your dog. Once you've found the "pawfect" dog walker near you, you can save your dog walker as a preferred Caregiver for easy booking the next time you need them. Bluffton, IN dog walkers are background checked by Wag! and rated by other local Pet Parents so you don't have to worry about your dog while you're out.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Bluffton



New Kirkwood

To start the day off right, there’s nothing better than a nice cup of joe and maybe some sweet treats to take the edge off as well. Firefly Coffee House, in New Kirkwood, is the local go-to spot for dog lovers and their achingly decaffeinated owners. Your pup will be quite welcome on the outdoor deck and patio, and better yet, the multi-talented baker of the coffee shop bakes fresh dog treats in addition to the delicious confections for humans! Grab your dog a nice and warm treat, maybe a cookie for yourself, and enjoy the breezy and sunny morning.



Sand Point

To keep the ball rolling, literally and metaphorically, make the trek toward the southwestern region of Fort Wayne, in Sand Point. That’s where you’ll find Pawster Park, a scenic dog park with two fenced-in play areas for your pups. There are doggy water fountains available, as well as a covered pavilion where you’re welcome to bring a nice picnic or any number of snacks to share with your pup pal and the other park patrons. Be sure to bring enough for the whole obedience class, of course! We all know who the teacher’s pet is, but no need to rub it in.



Maumee Terrace

If you’re looking to burn off a little energy while exploring the great outdoors with your pup beyond the fence of a dog park, make your way east but keep towards the southern region of Fort Wayne in Maumee Terrace. Home to Rivergreenway, this location boasts picturesque scenery and serene trails to walk along with your furry friend. There’s plenty of shade for you to enjoy on this multi-use trail, but be sure to bring plenty of water to keep your pup pal hydrated. Also be sure to clean up any messy mishaps; you’ll want to keep this place pristine for future use.



Frances Slocum

If you’re looking to buy your furry friend some wholesome treats and fun toys to toss around, make your way towards the northeastern region of Fort Wayne in Frances Slocum. While you’re there, be sure to stop in at a store where dogs aren’t just welcome; they’re embraced! Green DogGoods carries a selection of holistic supplies for your pup to enjoy, as well as offering training classes and grooming services. If you stop here, plan to stay a while. Not only will you have a hard time tearing your eyes off of all the goodies, your dog will be reluctant to leave too!




Make the Poplar area, in the center of Fort Wayne, your last stop and enjoy a selection of brews from Mad Anthony Brewing Company. Offering deep dish pizza as well as usual bar fare like burgers and delicious salads for you veggie lovers, you can’t go wrong in this delightful restaurant. Moreover, your canine companion will be welcomed on the outdoor patio. While it’s not the most scenic location in the world, it’s a nice place to settle in and enjoy a pint with your best pup pal. What better way to wind down after such a long and fulfilling day?

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Bluffton, IN?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Bluffton, IN?


How long does a dog walk last in Bluffton, IN?


How to book a dog walk in Bluffton, IN?


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