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Best dog walkers in Jamestown

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1. Carson W

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Ladoga, IN, 47954


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Ladoga, IN, 47954

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Jamestown?

To book a walk for your dog in Jamestown, IN, choose between a 20-minute, 30-minute or 60-minute walk for your pup. Then, let the Wag! platform match you with a top-rated dog walker near you. Or, you can browse Caregiver profiles to find the best dog walker for you and your pup's preferences. You can even save the Caregivers your dog liked best so you can easily book them again! When you're away or unable to walk your dog, let a Jamestown, IN dog walker do it for you.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Jamestown



Green Street

Brownsburg is less than ten miles from Jamestown. Here is where you will find Boulder Creek Dining Company. They have lots of outdoor tables where you can bring your dashing dog on a dinner date! Although you can walk in and grab a table, seats fill up fast, so you might want to make a reservation. From sea scallops and risotto to baby-back ribs, this Fido-friendly spot has a varied menu which is sure to have whatever you're craving. There is no dress code; just make sure your dog is wearing a leash for your visit. Make your dinner date special, or bring your whole family. No matter what you do, you're sure to make un-fur-gettable memories!




Dawson's is also in Brownsburg. They serve tavern-style food and American comfort food. Not only is it the place to be on the weekends, but it is the place to be with your dog on the weekends! For that reason, you need to make a reservation -- dog-friendly tables fill up very fast. When you make your reservation, let the staff know that you'll have your dog with you. Be sure to bring a leash and Fido's water bowl with you, and good luck resisting those puppy dog eyes he's sure to pull when he sees your plate!



The Parkway

The Animal Den Indy in Whitestown is about nineteen miles from Jamestown. It has over ten acres of pet-friendly, off-leash area for your pooch to play in! There are also marked trails for you to enjoy, as well as equipment for your dog to romp on and climb. You will want to bring your own water; although it's available here during the summer, the taps are turned off in the winter. The park does provide doggie waste bags and places to dispose of them, so all you need to bring is a couple of bottles and plenty of energy to play! Fido will be pawsitively begging to come back.



County Road

Avon, Indiana is about twenty-two miles from Jamestown. This is where you will find the Avon-Washington Paw Park. This is a permit-only park, but if you're just visiting, you can get a day pass. You must show proof of vaccines before your dog is allowed to play here. If you're looking for socialization, then this is the place to come and play! There are a lot of dogs here most days, so Fido is sure to sniff out a new furry friend. This is an off-leash dog park that provides everything you'll need while you're here, including water and doggie waste bags.



Main Street

For a great place to eat with your pup that's a little closer to home, paw on over to Lebanon, just fourteen miles from Jamestown. This is where you'll find Greek's Pizzeria. Leash up your pup and come get some ooey gooey cheesy pizza! Go for the garden supreme pizza if you're looking for something new to try. The gourmet supreme pizza has meatballs that will make your favorite spaghetti look naked. As long as you keep your dog on a leash, they can come with you to enjoy all this deliciousness -- after all, every one needs a good pizza from time to time!

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Jamestown, IN?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Jamestown, IN?


How long does a dog walk last in Jamestown, IN?


How to book a dog walk in Jamestown, IN?


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