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Best dog walkers in Plymouth

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Kelsey B avatar

1. Kelsey B

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Plymouth, IN, 46563


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Plymouth, IN, 46563

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Why book a dog walker in Plymouth?

Top-rated dog walkers in Plymouth, IN are standing by to take your dog on walk around your neighborhood. Browse Caregiver profiles to find dog walkers that are experienced with your pet's specific needs, or let the Wag! platform match you with a highly rated dog walker that's local to your Plymouth, IN neighborhood. You can even ask your dog walker to feed your pup a meal after their walk! Simply download the Wag! app to get started with your Pet Parent profile.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Plymouth




Centennial includes single-family homes, a commercial area, some industrial buildings, and a few parks. You and your fur-baby will be able to stroll down the street in this neighborhood. You'll also find the city's largest recreational facility here. Centennial Park is a pawtastic property for the whole family. There are athletic fields, picnic areas, a playground, nature trails, and a dog park. Canine companions can visit designated parts of this park if they're on a  leash. Bring your special pal to play in the off-leash section behind the tennis courts. Have bags with you so that you can pick up any messes.



Swan Lake

Swan Lake is a northwestern suburb of Plymouth. This rural area includes a golf club and resort, some farms, and private estates. Out here, you and Spot can stretch your legs on country roads. For a furrific camping adventure, head to Plymouth Jellystone Park. There are cabins, RV hookups, and tent sites in the facility. Enjoy fishing in the pond while Spot relaxes by your feet. Finish the day grilling dinner and roasting marshmallows by the fire ring. The park requires that you leash your pets and never leave them unattended. You are responsible for picking up any droppings left by your furry friend.




The King/Ironwood neighborhood on the east side of town is a sparsely populated area with farms and a few country homes. There's a pawesome spot for a weekend getaway just north of here. Head to Ruperts Resort and Campground on West Shore Drive along Lake of the Woods. This family facility offers primitive and electric campsites. Bring your tent or RV and enjoy time by the water. You'll find a 416-acre lake where you can go fishing or do some recreational boating. The campground welcomes leashed canines as long as you never leave them unattended. Be sure to pick up all droppings.



Pretty Lake Golf

Around Pretty Lake Golf Club, you'll find a few residential streets with single-family homes. Explore the block around the water on a stroll with Fido. If you want to visit a natural area with your four-footed friend, head to the Menominee State Wetlands off Dixon Lake Road. In this undeveloped area, you and Spot can explore the woods, prairie, and marshland as you hike on the natural-surface trails. Bring your rod and reel with you to go fishing here. The property is open for hunting, so plan your visit accordingly. Always keep your pooch restrained with a leash and pick up any waste.



Lapaz-Plymouth-LOTW Rural

The Lapaz-Plymouth-LOTW Rural neighborhood lies on the north edge of town. This remote community includes farmland and some private homes. From here, you can head north about ten miles to spend time in Potato Creek Park with your furry pal. The facility offers fishing, camping, hiking trails, a picnic area, and more. Pathways vary in difficulty from easy to rugged so you can choose the road that fits your exercise goals. Pets are free to join you as long as you keep them controlled on a tether up to six feet long. Pick up and pack out any waste when you visit.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Plymouth, IN?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Plymouth, IN?


How long does a dog walk last in Plymouth, IN?


How to book a dog walk in Plymouth, IN?


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