Best dog walkers in Platte City

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Best dog walkers in Platte City

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Damian B avatar

1. Damian B

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Kansas City, MO, 64153


Five stars

4.9 (370)

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Location icon

Kansas City, MO, 64153

Natalie S avatar

2. Natalie S

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Platte City, MO, 64079


Five stars

5 (0)

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Platte City, MO, 64079

Faith  F avatar

3. Faith F

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Smithville, MO, 64089


Five stars

5 (2)

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Smithville, MO, 64089

Adrianna L avatar

4. Adrianna L

Wag! Expert icon
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Kansas City, MO, 64164


Five stars

5 (6)

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Kansas City, MO, 64164

Alexandra D avatar

5. Alexandra D

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Parkville, MO, 64152


Five stars

5 (4)

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Parkville, MO, 64152

Terri T avatar

6. Terri T

Wag! Expert icon
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Kansas City, MO, 64154


Five stars

4.9 (356)

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Kansas City, MO, 64154

Kaitlyn D avatar

7. Kaitlyn D

Wag! Expert icon
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Kansas City, MO, 64152


Five stars

4.8 (18)

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Drop-In ยท

Sitting ยท



Location icon

Kansas City, MO, 64152

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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Why book a dog walker in Platte City?

Browse Platte City, MO dog walkers to find a Caregiver that can provide the best pet care for your dog โ€” whether your pup is a major sniffing machine and needs a patient walker, or loves to pull full force and needs someone strong to hold the leash. Dog walkers on the Wag! platform are waiting to take your furry friend on a walk around Platte City, MO so you don't have to stress about pet care. The app even notifies you when your dog poops or pees along the way!

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Platte City



Northeast Platte City

Platte Falls Conservation Area in Platte City is a spectacular 2,366-acre area where you can bring your pup for a trail walk through the woods and along the nine miles of river running through the park. This is a diverse landscape, covering both marshland and forest, and there is always plenty of wildlife to spot, including otters, ducks and rabbits. For this reason, keep your pup leashed for his safety and that of the local fauna. The river offers many aquatic activities as well, and your water pup will love a little float down the river on board a canoe or boat with you! There is plenty of parking and restroom facilities here, but bring everything you need for the day, such as water, food, cleanup bags, bug spray and sunscreen.



Northwest Platte City

Platte Ridge Park in the northern section of Platte City is 215 acres of beautiful parkland, not far out of the town centre. The lake and well-kept grass areas provide a lovely place to stop for a while and enjoy a snack, or go for an on-lead walk and enjoy panoramic views of Platte County. For the serious walkers, there is a 5k grass cross country trail with mileage markers every half mile to really get those legs moving. Fishing is permitted in the pond, and a playground will keep the kids occupied as well. Dogs are permitted here, but keep your pet leashed at Platte Ridge Park and always clean up any mess he leaves behind.



Weston State Park

Weston Bend State Park in neighbouring Weston is a huge state park covering 1,133 acres that includes a 1.75 acre free dog park! The dog park has separate areas for big and little dogs, benches for you to sit at, waste disposal facilities and a doggie water fountain. Outside the dog park, your pup will need to go back on the lead, but there is so much to see. Eight trails offer scenic views of the forest and Missouri River, varying in difficulty from the easy 0.2 mile Bear Creek Trail, to the more rugged 1.25-mile West Ridge Trail. For a challenge, take on the much longer 3.25 Mile Weston Bluffs Trail. Picnic areas are dotted throughout the park for when you are both ready for a little rest.



Southeast Leavenworth

For some more off-lead action, head over to Wagginโ€™ Tails Dog Park in Leavenworth, a 13 mile drive southwest of Platte City, just over the state border into Kansas. This six-acre dog park is double-gated, fully fenced and offers separate areas for big dogs and little dogs to keep everyone safe and playing happily. There are waste disposal bags available, and a water fountain is in operation over the summer period. The well-kept, free park has plenty of benches for you to sit while you supervise, and shady trees to enjoy when the weather is warm. Your pup will love testing his skills on the agility equipment dotted around the play area too.



Tiffany Springs

The 838-acre Tiffany Springs Park in Kansas City, 13 miles south of Platte City, is another glorious green space to get out and about in the fresh air with your pup and escape suburbia for a while. Keep your dog leashed here, as there are lots of creatures that call this place home, such as deer, raccoons and many species of birds. The creeks provided an interesting walk and many more things to see on your travels. Restrooms are available on site, and there is plenty of parking and open grassed space that gives you room to spread out for a picnic. The park is very close to the airport, so keep a watch for planes coming in and out!

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Platte City, MO?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Platte City, MO?


How long does a dog walk last in Platte City, MO?


How to book a dog walk in Platte City, MO?


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