Best dog walkers in Maurice River

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Best dog walkers in Maurice River

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Mackenzy R avatar

1. Mackenzy R

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Millville, NJ, 08332


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4.9 (77)

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Millville, NJ, 08332

Liajane R avatar

2. Liajane R

Wag! Expert icon
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Millville, NJ, 08332


Five stars

5 (6)

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Millville, NJ, 08332

Tina W avatar

3. Tina W

Wag! Expert icon
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Millville, NJ, 08332


Five stars

5 (29)

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Drop-In ·

Sitting ·



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Millville, NJ, 08332

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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Why book a dog walker in Maurice River?

Is your pup ready for a stroll around the neighborhood? Find local dog walkers in Maurice River, NJ who are background checked and vetted by Wag!. Easily schedule recurring walks ahead of time for days when you're in the office, or book on demand when you're out on the town and can't get home in time to walk your dog. Wag! is here to help you ensure your pup can enjoy the sniffs and sights around your Maurice River, NJ neighborhood, even sending you pictures during the walk and notifications when your furry family member does their business.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Maurice River



North Maurice River

North Maurice River is a vast rural area with plenty of beautiful places to snap a spectacular selfie with your pup. There are small rivers and ponds throughout the area, as well as a large, unnamed green space just to the west along Mays Landing Road and Big Neal Branch. Just pack plenty of waste bags and make sure you keep your dog on-leash while exploring. You may also want to pack plenty of extra drinking water, especially if you will be visiting the area on a hot day. If you plan on splashing around, keep a towel in your car!



West Maurice River

West Maurice River is rural and beautiful. This area is a puptastic place to bring your dog for an afternoon when you find yourself craving some time in nature. This area includes parts of Cumberland and the Menantico Ponds Fish and Wildlife Area. You are permitted to bring your dog to the wildlife area as long as she is on-leash and by your side. You will want to bring plenty of doggy waste bags and extra drinking water. If you visit during fishing season, you can bring your dog into the fishing areas found inside the park, just a few minutes to the north.




Leesburg is a village in Central Maurice River where dog lovers find access to the river is quick and easy. If your pup loves the water, a trip to the riverbanks of Leesburg is in order. Just grab some clean-up bags, a towel, and some snacks for both of you to enjoy while you sit in the grass and relax or chase around your dog's favorite toys. The area is home to a few streets with quaint and peaceful homes that your dog would love to call his own if you are looking to move into the area with your furry family.



East Maurice River

East Maurice River is the pawfect neighborhood to visit if you and your dog enjoy fishing together. During fishing season, you can head to the Peasley Fish and Wildlife Management Area for a day full of barking fun, whether you just want to splash around or bring home the big one. Just bring your doggy waste bags and keep your eye on your pup while you are by the shoreline. Be mindful of other people fishing and make sure your dog stays away from lines and hooks that could entangle him. You will also want a towel for the car ride home!



South Maurice River

South Maurice River is home to two nature preserves, which attracts many dog lovers on the weekends and during the summers. If you are looking for a relaxing place to rejuvenate and get your energy back for the week ahead, be sure to check out the Eldora Nature Preserve. You can walk the paths throughout the area with your dog on-leash. You can also fish in the ponds, which are stocked during fishing season. If all you want is some quiet time in the grass, spread out a blanket and enjoy the view with your cuddly pup while you read a book or throw around a tennis ball.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Maurice River, NJ?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Maurice River, NJ?


How long does a dog walk last in Maurice River, NJ?


How to book a dog walk in Maurice River, NJ?


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