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Best dog walkers in Carlsbad

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Carlsbad?

Is your pup ready for a stroll around the neighborhood? Find local dog walkers in Carlsbad, NM who are background checked and vetted by Wag!. Easily schedule recurring walks ahead of time for days when you're in the office, or book on demand when you're out on the town and can't get home in time to walk your dog. Wag! is here to help you ensure your pup can enjoy the sniffs and sights around your Carlsbad, NM neighborhood, even sending you pictures during the walk and notifications when your furry family member does their business.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Carlsbad



Carlsbad City Center

It’s obvious that the city of Carlsbad loves dogs, because in the City Center they have their very own dog park! The City of Carlsbad Dog Park is located along the Lower Transill Reservoir, so you can enjoy river views while your dog enjoy running and playing in off-leash freedom. This park promotes pawsitive socialization for neighborhood dogs to enjoy in a safe environment. The dog park features two large fenced off areas, lots of shade and grass, and an agility course. There is drinking water available here too. When you and your good dog want a frosty treat, head over to Kaleidoscoops Ice Cream in the same neighborhood. They offer a decadent selection of colorful ice cream flavors, and 6 dog friendly outdoor tables.



La Huerta

Along the Pecos River in the La Huerta neighborhood, you can find a fur-tastic park that all the locals love, four-legged locals included. The Lake Carlsbad Beach Park is about 125 acres of beautiful green space to sniff and play on. The park features a scenic railroad bridge and a multi-use pathway that winds along the river. In this park, you can kick back and watch the ducks on the river, or have a picnic under shade trees. You may even be able to catch a free concert in the summer! Other features include playgrounds, barbecue grills, restrooms, and tables. Dogs are welcome as long as they stay leashed and follow proper petiquette!



Four Forks

For a birds eye view of the city of Carlsbad, check out the Ocotillo Hills nature trail in the neighborhood of Four Forks. This 1 mile trail runs along the hillside, with views of the desert mountains, native plants and possibly some wildlife! Once you get to the top of the trail, you can take in sweeping views of the city. The skyline is particularly beautiful at night when the entire city is lit up. Leashed dogs are welcome to enjoy the trail with you, as long as they are picked up after and don’t disturb the wildlife.



S Canal St / E Wood Ave

Another beautiful park along the Pecos River and the Riverwalk is the Bataan Recreation Area. This park can be found in the S Canal St / E Wood Ave neighborhood, and draws in dog walkers, nature lovers, and recreation enthusiasts. After taking a stroll along the paved, riverside pathway, you and your furry travel buddy can lounge on the large grassy areas or the boat docks. There is also a memorial in this park dedicated to all of the U.S. wars, featuring statues and memorial plaques. Another pretty little urban park in this neighborhood is located just south of here, the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park. This park has playgrounds, restrooms and picnic shelters. Your pupper is welcome in both of these parks, as long as he or she stays leashed. Don’t forget the waste bags and dog treats!



Whites City

The southernmost lake in New Mexico can be found in the Brantley Lake State Park, in the neighborhood of Whites City in Carlsbad. This state park offers a plethora of outdoor adventures you can have with your pup! This oasis in the desert has gorgeous sunsets, stunning night skies and local flora and fauna. There are 2.6 miles of trails wandering through the state park that you can enjoy. It’s not surprising if you’ll want to stay a while in this desert nature, and fortunately this park has a campground as well! There are developed campsites with water and electricity available, and for those who like to “ruff” it, primitive shoreline and boat-in camping are available too. Leashed dogs are welcome throughout the park, as long as they get picked up after.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Carlsbad, NM?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Carlsbad, NM?


How long does a dog walk last in Carlsbad, NM?


How to book a dog walk in Carlsbad, NM?


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