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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Portales?

Need a dog walker in a pinch? Vetted Pet Caregivers in the Portales, NM area are just a few taps away when you use the Wag! app to book a walk for your dog. Once you've found the "pawfect" dog walker near you, you can save your dog walker as a preferred Caregiver for easy booking the next time you need them. Portales, NM dog walkers are background checked by Wag! and rated by other local Pet Parents so you don't have to worry about your dog while you're out.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Portales



Hillcrest City Park

Hillcrest City Park in East Clovis is a nice, large recreation area located within the city and offers the comfort and serenity of nature all year round. The park includes a sports field, golf course, a small zoo and a big dog park with two separated areas for different breeds with lots of room to run and play. The fully fenced area has shade, seating, a water spigot, and plenty of bowls to fill with water. If you're visiting during the summer, you will find a small swimming pool in the area to let your mutt cool off and enjoy swimming. The friendly local crowd makes Hillcrest City Park an amazing place to socialize and have tons of fun!



Ned Houk Memorial Park

Located 11 miles north of the town, Ned Houk Memorial Park is an extensive recreation area with plenty of outdoor facilities. The park is conveniently remote from the city center, offering an escape from the hustle and bustle of the crowded streets. The park does not allow your mutt to run off-leash and play with other canine friends, but provides lots of room to play fetch or hide-and-seek. Apart from the park, there is a trail system stretching for 7 miles, rated as moderate, which takes about an hour to complete with Fido. Keep your mutt on their leash at all times and watch out for rattlesnakes during the summer.



North Roswell

Heading north from the city center of Roswell, you will spot all the historic places, shopping facilities, and eateries stretching along US-70. The northern region of Roswell will warmly welcome you and your pooch with recreation areas and parks, located almost one across from another. Head straight to Woof Bowl Dog Park, located near the Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art. This is a nice off-leash dog park with two separate areas for small and large pooches, water fountains, lots of room to run and shades to hide and relax. There are a few dog-friendly eateries in the area, too. Check out Farley’s, a sports bar that serves up delicious food for you and your dog at the outdoor tables.



Roswell City Center

Have you ever considered a UFO-themed adventure with your mutt? Can you believe that aliens on other planets go for a walk every day with their cosmic dogs? If you are curious now, International UFO Museum and Research Center is an extremely dog-friendly place where pooches are welcome to join their masters inside as well as in the gift shop. Browse the exhibitions and explore the UFO phenomena with your leashed pal. If all that extraterrestrial exploring makes you hungry, don't worry! Plenty of dog-friendly eateries are at your disposal in downtown. Tinnie Marcantile & Deli is just one, with an extensive menu, outdoor dog-friendly tables and a special local favorite – chili jelly!



South Ruidoso

Ruidoso is a medium-sized city in the western part of New Mexico which has a mix of outdoor and indoor dog-friendly facilities in the southern part of town. It may be difficult to find the first time, but Ruidoso Dog Park is located between White Mountain Recreation Complex and Ruidoso Convention Center. The park is fully fenced, has a spacious area for pooches to run, bark and play, while the dog owners can enjoy the picturesque view of mountains nearby. The park also features two separate areas: one acre is set aside for the big breeds, and about a half-acre is for small breeds. Bring some water with you and enjoy the day out! 

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Portales, NM?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Portales, NM?


How long does a dog walk last in Portales, NM?


How to book a dog walk in Portales, NM?


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