Best dog walkers in Pocola

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Best dog walkers in Pocola

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Mystri F avatar

1. Mystri F

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Fort Smith, AR, 72903


Five stars

4.7 (50)

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Fort Smith, AR, 72903

Noelle H avatar

2. Noelle H

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Poteau, OK, 74953


Five stars

5 (0)

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Sitting ·



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Poteau, OK, 74953

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Pocola?

Browse Pocola, OK dog walkers to find a Caregiver that can provide the best pet care for your dog — whether your pup is a major sniffing machine and needs a patient walker, or loves to pull full force and needs someone strong to hold the leash. Dog walkers on the Wag! platform are waiting to take your furry friend on a walk around Pocola, OK so you don't have to stress about pet care. The app even notifies you when your dog poops or pees along the way!

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Pocola




The town of Pocola is a rural community with residential developments, the area middle and high schools, and some farms. You and your canine companion can walk along country roads for a little exercise. Another way to stretch your legs with your special pal is to head to J. L. Swink Municipal Park on South Pocola Boulevard. This facility includes open space, a playground, and a paved walking trail. Take some laps around the park or play ball in the grass with Fido. Keep your dog restrained on a leash in this area. Remember to pack water and waste bags for your outing.




About ten miles north of town, you'll find the community of Arkoma. There are single-family homes, an elementary school, a cemetery, and some churches here. Get some exercise with your pooch by walking around the block in your neighborhood. For a little R&R, head to Arkoma Park on Park Road. Walk along the shore of the Poteau River, then grab an outdoor meal at one of the tables. Bring a boat or canoe and launch into the water from the public landing here. Your pooch can join you as long as he's on a leash and you clean up his messes.



Fianna Hills

Fianna Hills, located about seven miles northeast of Pocola, is a residential neighborhood with single-family homes, a church, and a country club. This area has some peaceful blocks that you and your four-footed friend can use to take a stroll. You'll find a playground, open fields, and some benches here. Bring your frisbee and play catch on the lawn with your fur-baby to get some exercise, then enjoy a snack at one of the park benches. You can bring dogs here if they're on a leash and under your control. Make sure you have waste bags and water with you.



Old Greenwood

The Old Greenwood neighborhood includes a regional airport, an industrial area, and developments with private residences. In this area, you can take your family to cool off at Parrot Island Waterpark. A fun little place to visit with Fido is Massard Prairie Battlefield Park. The historical site includes historic markers, preserved camp areas, and a walking trail. Learn history as you hike around the grounds with your fur-baby. Leashed dogs can join you on the pathway as long as you keep them under control and clean up after them. Old Greenwood is about 11.4 miles northeast of the town of Pocola.



Riley Farms

Riley Farms is a southern suburb of Fort Smith that's about 8.5 miles east of town. In this development, you'll find single-family residences, a few businesses, and a church. Enjoy a walk around the block with your pooch for daily exercise here. A pawesome place to go with the whole family is Stone Park on Commerce Road. There's a large playground for the kids, a wooded area with a stream, and a shale walking path here. Meander through the woods with your special pal. Remember to keep your dog on a leash and to pick up any droppings when you come here.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Pocola, OK?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Pocola, OK?


How long does a dog walk last in Pocola, OK?


How to book a dog walk in Pocola, OK?


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