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Best dog walkers in Montgomery

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Victoria  M avatar

1. Victoria M

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Montgomery, TX, 77356


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Montgomery, TX, 77356

Holly M avatar

2. Holly M

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Montgomery, TX, 77356


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5 (8)

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Montgomery, TX, 77356

April C avatar

3. April C

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Conroe, TX, 77304


Five stars

5 (25)

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Conroe, TX, 77304

Lori G avatar

4. Lori G

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Montgomery, TX, 77356


Five stars

4.9 (664)

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Montgomery, TX, 77356

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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Why book a dog walker in Montgomery?

Browse Montgomery, TX dog walkers to find a Caregiver that can provide the best pet care for your dog — whether your pup is a major sniffing machine and needs a patient walker, or loves to pull full force and needs someone strong to hold the leash. Dog walkers on the Wag! platform are waiting to take your furry friend on a walk around Montgomery, TX so you don't have to stress about pet care. The app even notifies you when your dog poops or pees along the way!

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Montgomery



Lake Conroe Village

The neighborhood of Lake Conroe Village is a serene one, with sights of surrounding farmland and Lake Conroe. Right in the middle of the neighborhood is a park called Memory Park that has botanical gardens, walking trails, and open areas. The park is dog-friendly for leashed pups, and provides lots of space to run around and play, paved walking trails that surround the lake, and a place for fishing. Homecoming Park is another park in the community that offers amenities like a playground, a swingset, water fountains, a picnic pavilion, and a paved walking trail. Dogs do not have to be on a leash inside this park.



Tejas Creek

The residential neighborhood of Tejas Creek is home to densely packed rows of homes along Lake Conroe. Right on the shore of the lake is the Lake Conroe Park, and thanks to its location and great park perks, the area gets a lot of traffic for humans and pups. This dog-friendly park has 20 acres of open space for Fido to run around and play in, with a small beach spot, a few fishing piers, a boat launch, restrooms, scattered trees with shaded sitting spots, and two pavilions. With serene views of the lake, and amenities like clean-up stations, water fountains, and benches, its no wonder the place gets so many dogs to come and play!



Lake Mt Pleasant

Lake Mt Pleasant is a rural neighborhood on the northern edge of town, mostly taken up by thick trees and views of Lake Conroe. The area is best known for its entrance into the Sam Houston National Forest, which is a huge area of over 163,045 acres. Check out the Lone Star Hiking Trail, which extends over 128 miles, and is made from concrete and dirt in different places. There are multiple other trails in the Montgomery portion of the park, with access to a recreational area that has picnic tables, a small ballfield, and restrooms. Dogs have to remain on a leash 6 feet or shorter, and you will have to remember to bring water and clean-up bags.



North West Montgomery

The neighborhood of North West Montgomery is a quiet one, filled with residential homes and dense forests. Residents and visitors will love the large recreational park known as West Montgomery County Park, thanks to its well-maintained grassy fields, enclosed baseball fields, and paved walkways. There are 53 acres of space inside the park, with 9 different ballfields, 3 soccer fields, and 1.7 miles of paved walkways. There's also a playground, restrooms, a pavilion, and picnic benches. Dogs are welcome in the park, and can play in the fenced-in fields as long as they remain on a leash. Additional features include water fountains, benches, nighttime lights, and trash bins.




Woodforest is a residential neighborhood surrounded by thick forests. Forest Island Park is a beautiful park in the neighborhood, that is surrounded by trees for shade and privacy, and features a playground, a pool, open areas, a picnic shelter, fenced-in tennis and basketball courts, and paved walkways. The park has something for everyone, and will provide Fido with the options to run around and play, take a short stroll, or play safely in the fenced-in courts. Additional features of the park include clean-up stations, water fountains, benches, and trash bins.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Montgomery, TX?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Montgomery, TX?


How long does a dog walk last in Montgomery, TX?


How to book a dog walk in Montgomery, TX?


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