Best dog walkers in Colville

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Best dog walkers in Colville

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1. Maci C

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Deer Park, WA, 99006


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Deer Park, WA, 99006

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Colville?

Booking a local dog walker in Colville, WA is easy with the Wag! app. Simply set your pup's preferences and location, then let the platform match you with the perfect dog walker near you. You can even track your dog's walk with the GPS map in the app and see a report card of your pup's playdate when they return home. Stress-free pet care is just a tap away, and dog walkers all over the Colville, WA are waiting to give your pooch the attention they deserve.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Colville




Did someone say tacos? Taco Time invites you to bring your dog down to get some real tacos that are made fresh. It can't possibly get any better than this -- after all, who wants to miss Taco Tuesday? Your dog will be one happy hound if you bring him with you to get his own taco. Make sure you bring a leash, but feel free to leave the water bowl at home -- you can get him his very own cup of ice water if you let them know you need one. Please make sure that your dog can handle lots of people and other dogs while he eats because everyone loves this place.



North Main

Cafe 103 is the place to be when you wake up in the morning. What better way to start your day than with a cup of java on the patio with your pup? You simply must have one of the huge cinnamon rolls! They serve brunch, lunch, and dinner as well. Your puppy will love all the delicious smells as he stretches under your table. Make sure you bring a leash for him. While you are here, you might want to have his bowl on hand to fill. Cafe 103 is a local hotspot and there is always an atmosphere of friendly fun all year long.



South Main

Samurai Sams Teriyaki Grill is part of the healthy meal movement. They provide nutritious meals that taste amazing. You will find that the menu is loaded down with all your Asian favorites, from rice bowls to egg rolls. Samurai Sams Teriyaki Grill has the single mission of providing healthy food that doesn't take all day to prepare. You and your pup can stop by on your lunch break and be in and out in no time. They even do parties! All five of their outdoor tables are pet-friendly as long as your pup is restaurant-friendly because everyone needs access to healthy, delicious food.



Auto Vue Road

Right outside, but within city limits, you will find a blast from the past. Auto Vue Drive-In Theater is the place to bring your dog to catch a movie or two. You can find all your favorite foods at the concession stand. Forget about the scratchy unclear screen or the audio you can barely hear! These movies are done modern. You will find crystal clear pictures and smooth, loud audio. It is the perfect family place with picnic areas if you don't want to watch the movie in your car. Make sure your pup has a leash. You are responsible for your pet's messes as well.



Colville National Forest

The South Fork Silver Creek Trail is a rather long trail through the Colville National Forest. It will take you about seven hours to complete. The path takes you through the Aspen trees and down through the meadows. Several trails spur off of it. You can go online and print a map before you visit. Your dog can walk with you, as long as you keep her on a leash. There aren't any rest stops along the way, so please bring lots of water for you and your pup to drink. The wildlife is abundant in the areas so always be on the lookout.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Colville, WA?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Colville, WA?


How long does a dog walk last in Colville, WA?


How to book a dog walk in Colville, WA?


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