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Best dog boarders in Oroville

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lillian R avatar

1. lillian R

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Oroville, CA, 95966

from$48per night

Five stars

4.8 (32)

Walk ·

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Sitting ·


from$48per night

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Oroville, CA, 95966

Hannah A avatar

2. Hannah A

Wag! Expert icon
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Oroville East, CA, 95966

from$63per night

Five stars

4.9 (21)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


from$63per night

Location icon

Oroville East, CA, 95966

How to book pet caregivers near me

  • skip the kennel icon

    Skip the kennel

    Sittings take place at your home and boardings take place at your pet caregiver's home.

  • flexible transportation icon

    Flexible transportation

    All pet caregivers offer pick-up and drop-off for boarding services.

  • live updates icon

    Live updates

    Your pet caregiver will send photos and videos throughout the service in addition to a thorough report card.

Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Oroville



Shasta Kennel Club Dog Show

This annual show is hosted by the Butte County Kennel Club and the Shasta Kennel Club, with each of the two organizations hosting two days each over a total period of four days. There are various trials, rallies, and shows that take place during the course of the event! The event is held in June at the Butte County Fairgrounds and event details will be updated on the site in due course. In addition to the shows and trials, there are also plenty of vendors that attend the event so you can enjoy picking up food, drink, and merchandise during your day out!



Pat Alley Memorial Dog Park

Located in Oroville, this dog park has separate, spacious sections for large and small dogs. You will also find seating areas and picnic tables in both areas, which means that the dogs and their human families can enjoy some time together outdoors! There are various facilities available including a water fountain for the pooches to quench their thirst. There are also cleanup stations for owners to conveniently and quickly clean up after their pets!



Bidwell Bark

This annual event takes place at Bidwell Park in nearby Chico. It is a wonderful, fun, and entertaining event that the whole family can enjoy, and your pooches are, of course, more than welcome to come along! The day is filled with fun and thrills with everything from carnival games, food trucks, competitions, and demos through to the fun run, dog play zones, and more. This is a wonderful day out for young and old alike and for dogs of all ages. The event promises to be an action-packed day with something for everyone to look forward to! The aim is to raise funds for the Butte Humane Society to help them to care for and rescue homeless animals.



Walk Woof Wag

The Walk Woof Wag event provides a great way to raise money to help homeless animals. Many dog owners and their pooches turn up to enjoy the excitement of the day as there is plenty to see and do here! You will find everything from photo booths, face painting, and agility courses through to pet whispering, competitions, treasure hunts, music, games, raffles and much more. If you register to take part with your dog, you can choose from a 5K or 3K route. Alternatively, you can just come along for the fun and to see what’s going on. All dogs must be on leashes. The event last for half a day and general admission is free although the activities may incur fees or donations.



North Table Mountain

For a wonderful day of recreation in Oroville, a trip to North Table Mountain is an excellent idea. This is a dog-friendly activity, although you need to ensure your pooch is on a leash for his own safety and that of others. You can then look forward to wonderful fresh air, stunning views, scenery, and natural wonders ranging from wildflowers to waterfalls! You can enjoy taking along a picnic or simply exploring and enjoying being close to nature as your four-legged friend investigates the wonders of North Table Mountain!

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog boarding cost in Oroville, CA?


How do I find and choose a pet sitter in Oroville, CA?


Do pet sitters stay overnight?


How to book a dog boarding or pet sitting in Oroville, CA?


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