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Best dog walkers in Julian

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1. Amy H

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Julian, CA, 92036


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Julian, CA, 92036

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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Why book a dog walker in Julian?

Busy pet parents sometimes need a hand when it comes to ensuring their pup is getting the potty breaks and exercise they need. That's where Wag! comes in! Local Julian, CA dog walkers are background checked and registered on the Wag! platform, ready to take your dog on an adventure when you need them. Your dog can make a friend in the neighborhood, and you can re-book with the same dog walker easily in the app. Julian, CA has "pawlenty" of parks and neighborhoods that your dog is itching to explore!

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Julian



Jess Martin Park

In less than a 5-minute ride southeast of Julian, you will find a nice recreation area at Jess Martin Park, located not far from Throne Family Ranch. This is a beautiful and convenient place to let your mutt run off-leash and play with other frequent visitors. The park is not a dog park, but the playground is fenced and protects your pooch from fleeing. Designed for playing baseball, the park has a large grassy field and offers your pup the chance to run wild and romp to his heart's content. Don't forget to take some toys and water with you! The park does not have any special water facilities for pooches. 



Downtown Julian

Downtown Julian is more than just dog-friendly. It is dog-friendly to all furry foodies living nearby or visiting the town for a few days. Filled with historic buildings, shops, and the atmosphere of a rural town, Julian has dog-friendly eateries on literally every corner. Main Street is where you'll find almost all of them. You can start with Granny’s Kitchen, which offers samples and welcoming pooches on the outdoor patio. Moving further north, you'll spot Carmen’s Place, serving up all your American favorites. Or, try Romano’s Italian Restaurant, which has mouthwatering pasta and dog-friendly outdoor tables.



San Diego County Estates

Consisting of several neighborhoods in the eastern part of Ramona, San Diego County Estates is a resort attracting tourists from all over the states. The place offers some historical spots, but is mostly focused on recreation areas and outdoor activities. You are welcome to join the tourists visiting, or travel on your own to Ramona Oaks Park set right in the heart of the neighborhood. The park has an extensive designated area for pooches to play, frisk, and enjoy an amazing off-leash experience. The dog park has a low fence, but it's clean and well-maintained. Take some water and toys with you to have a great day out!



South Deviney Lane

South Deviney Lane is significantly secluded from downtown Ramona. There are no shopping or dining activities in the area, or any tourist attractions, in comparison with San Diego County Estates, but the place offers some outdoor experience for two- or four-legged explorers and hikers. Barnet Ranch Preserve hosts more than 700 acres of terrain with numerous hiking trails and a pond. This is not a simple resort, but a natural challenge for the bravest; the hiking trails are rated from easy to moderate, but there's no water available here, so you'll need to plan in advance. If you are ready for an exciting adventure in nature, Barnet Ranch Preserve is more than happy to welcome you and your pal!



Rancho Bernardo

Rancho Bernardo is a community in the northern part of San Diego situated in the hills. This neighborhood has plenty of recreation areas and parks, including golf courses and country clubs. Even though the terrain is vast, and you are welcome to travel all over the place, the best spot for your pooch is the Rancho Bernard Dog Park. This is a fenced dog park with two separate areas for pooches, grass, benches, lots of room to run, and drinking fountains. And if you feel like grabbing a bite, head south to find two dog-friendly eateries: Charm Tai Kitchen, for those who love exotic cuisine, and Edelweiss Bakery, with extremely delicious pastries, bread, and dog-friendly outdoor tables.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Julian, CA?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Julian, CA?


How long does a dog walk last in Julian, CA?


How to book a dog walk in Julian, CA?


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