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Best dog walkers in Willits

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1. Donna R

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Willits, CA, 95490


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Willits, CA, 95490

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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Why book a dog walker in Willits?

Your pup wants to see the Willits, CA sights just as much as you do, whether they're taking a quick spin around the block or frolicking in their favorite nearby park. Dog walkers on the Wag! platform are experienced with dogs of all shapes and sizes, ensuring your dog is safe and happy as they explore Willits, CA. You can work, play, or run errands knowing you don't have to worry about pet care while you're out.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Willits



South Lincoln Street

Coastal Fort Bragg welcomes tourists from all over the world year-round to roam, enjoy and explore the area. South Lincoln Street is located in the eastern part of the city, set among schools, churches and residential quarters. Before you say this place isn't for you, just visit Fort Bragg Dog Park, located right next to CV Starr Community Center. This is an off-leash, fenced park for pooches of all sizes and temperaments to have an amazing day out, playing, barking, frisking and socializing! The area is grassy and the locals are friendly, which means you and Fido will have the pawfect day making memories here.




Located one mile south of Fort Bragg, Noyo is an incorporated community and a neighborhood featuring a number of different attractions for locals and visitors. Nestled on the banks of Noyo River, the place offers marina attractions and a dog-friendly beach! Your lovely mutt is welcome to join you off-leash at the rocky beach. Let your pooch explore walking trails, sniff out pebbles and seaweed, and dig his paws in the sand when it gets too hot. This place is secluded and private with enough space for everyone! But, if you want to experience something thrilling, exciting and un-fur-gettable, board the Sea Hawk, provided by All Aboard Adventures. Deep-sea fishing, bay and sunset cruises, and whale watching is waiting for you and your pup! All aboard!



North Fort Bragg

Separated from the city center by Noyo River, the northern part of Fort Bragg features a busy highway with shopping and dining facilities and secluded coastal views to the west. If you're passing through, pay a visit to Pomo Bluffs Park, located at the very western edge of the peninsula. This park is home to 25 acres of spectacular and beautiful views which you and Fido can enjoy from a paved walkway. You'll have a chance to overlook Noyo Harbor and the west side of Highway 1. Make sure to keep your mutt on their leash at all times, and relax on one of the benches in the area. This is the pawfect place for a quiet moment in nature with your dog.



Low Gap Park

Located in the northern part of Ukiah, Low Gap Park is set on Orrs Creek in a quiet green area with golf courses and educational spots. You will be pleased with the number of outdoor facilities and activities provided by the park, which is one of the most favorite places among families in the city. Your furry family member has a place in the park as well. More importantly, he has his own park! Low Gap Dog Park is located within the main one and features two separate sections for small and large pooches, lots of grass and room to run, shade, benches and drinking water. Don't fur-get to bring your own waste bags!



Lake Mendocino Drive

If you're traveling through northeastern Ukiah, off The Forks, you will find a beautiful and huge lake in the area. Lake Mendocino is a dog-friendly recreation spot complete with walking trails which make the perfect place for a leashed stroll. Here, you can simply enjoy the calm atmosphere, or you can camp or share a picnic. The place features covered picnic tables, open grills and a playground for kids if you come by with the family and your furry friend together. Bring plenty of water with you, and keep your pup on a leash at all times!

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Willits, CA?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Willits, CA?


How long does a dog walk last in Willits, CA?


How to book a dog walk in Willits, CA?


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