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Best dog walkers in Hanalei

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Hanalei?

Browse Hanalei, HI dog walkers to find a Caregiver that can provide the best pet care for your dog — whether your pup is a major sniffing machine and needs a patient walker, or loves to pull full force and needs someone strong to hold the leash. Dog walkers on the Wag! platform are waiting to take your furry friend on a walk around Hanalei, HI so you don't have to stress about pet care. The app even notifies you when your dog poops or pees along the way!

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Hanalei



Hanalei Beach

Hanalei Beach is a simply gorgeous place to visit if you live in Hanalei. This area is mostly known for Hanalei Beach Park. This wonderful oceanside oasis is the pawfect place for an afternoon of fun in the sun. You will need to bring a harness and a water resistant leash for easy walking through the sand and waves. You will also want plenty of dry towels and clean drinking water. If you get hungry after all that splashing and sniffing, Chicken in a Barrel BBQ is the best dog-friendly place in the area to stop in for a delicious bite to eat.



Waioli Ahupua`a

Waioli is an area that is defined by its furrific beach. Waioli Beach Park is a pupular destination for walkers and puppers looking for a fun way to beat the heat during the summer months. You will need plenty of waste bags for easy clean-up in the sand. You will also want to bring clean water and an umbrella for some shade if you plan on staying for a while. If your dog prefers dry land, Waioli Park is just a few minutes away. Shave Ice Paradise is the best way to cool off after a long day in the sun, and you can enjoy your treat at one of their outdoor tables.




Princeville is a community just a few minutes away from Hanalei. It is home to the beautiful Hideaways Beach, where you will find dog-friendly scenery that is perfect for a quiet afternoon. You will want to bring some clean towels and plenty of drinking water and snacks for the both of you if you plan on driving to Princeville for the day. When you get hungry, Lei Petite Bakery and Coffee Shop is one of the best dog-friendly places to stop for breakfast or coffee on your way through Princeville. It's a small establishment which is easy to miss if you aren't looking for it.



Wyllie's Beach

Wyllie's Beach is about 26 minutes from Hanalei. It is well worth the drive if your dog is a little more on the anxious side. While it is a public beach, it isn't as busy as some of the others during peak tourism season, so your pup can get a break while you enjoy the water on a hot day. You will want to keep your dog leashed on this beach and stay close to one another at all times. Make sure you have plenty of drinking water and some way to get some shade if you plan on staying through the heat of the day.



Anini Beach

Anini Beach is 26 minutes away from Hanalei and is a popular destination for visitors traveling with their dogs. This beach has plenty of room for families with fur babies looking for a place to splash around and enjoy themselves. When traveling to the beach with your pup, make sure you have plenty of waste bags to help keep the sand nice and clean. You should also keep an eye on the temperature. Hot sand can burn your pet's paws, so be mindful as you step onto that soft beach with your canine pal. Plenty of clean water for the both of you is also a must.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Hanalei, HI?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Hanalei, HI?


How long does a dog walk last in Hanalei, HI?


How to book a dog walk in Hanalei, HI?


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