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Best dog walkers in Kenner

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1. Payton Y

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Wamac, IL, 62801


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Wamac, IL, 62801

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Kenner?

With GPS tracking, in-app chat, and photos of your dog's walk, the Wag! app is the perfect way to book a dog walk for your pup. Kenner, IL dog walkers know your neighborhood and are experienced in keeping your dog safe while they sniff around the block. Whether your pup needs a quick 30-minute walk or a longer 1-hour adventure, dog walkers in Kenner, IL are ready help. Booking through the Wag! app is easy — simply set up your dog's profile and browse local Caregivers in minutes.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Kenner



North 5th Street

North 5th Street in Herrin, a city in Williamson County, Illinois, will lead you to a furrific place where pooches of all sizes and temperaments can have some off-lesah fun! This public park, complete with a pond and playgrounds, has plenty of shaded spots, lots of trees, paved walking trails, and an enclosed dog park for you and Fido to enjoy. At the time of writing (2018), Herrin Dog Park is still under construction. Nevertheless, it's a fully functioning facility with a fence, two areas for small and large pooches, shaded spots, benches, and water hydrants. Herrin Dog Park is rarely busy, but it's a great place to sniff out some new furry friends on the weekends!



Southwest Murphysboro

The southwestern part of Murphysboro is bordered by Big Muddy River, which is adjacent to Riverside Park. This public park is one of the most popular places to gather together with friends and enjoy some live music from local artists, or share a sandwich with drinks in the picnic area. You coming with Fido? Great! The park has a fenced facility dedicated to your mutt's comfort and fun! Riverside Dog Park is a double-gated park split into two areas for small and large breeds. Benches, shade, seating and drinking water facilities are all available here. If all that playing  made you and your hound hungry, enjoy the friendly atmosphere at 17th Street, one of the best restaurants in the state with outdoor seating and fingerlickin' good smoked meat!



Shawnee National Forest

Shawnee National Forest is an extensive terrain covered in woodlands, rolling hills, and lakes in the Heron area, southeast of St. Louis. Bordered by Ohio River to the east, the forest offers a wealth of outdoor activities to enjoy with your pup. Fishing, hiking, swimming and even rock-climbing (for the most daring pups!) are some of the options for visitors. Start with the observation trail -- Garden of the Gods Recreation Area -- offering plenty of unusual rock formations dating back 320 million years! Your pup should stay on their leash here, especially while exploring Rim Rock Recreation Area, another path along the rim of a rock escarpment. 




Love visiting quirky places with Fido and posting about it on social media? Do not hesitate to come to Cumberland, an eastern neighborhood of Casey, Illinois, to enjoy the views of the World’s Largest Golf Tee in Casey Country Club! Leash up your buddy and walk around this huge monument dedicated to golf lovers. And, if you go down the road to Main Street, you will find another surprise -- the World’s Largest Wind Chime. Cumberland sure does know how to set some world records! After exploring Cumberland's monuments, it's time to relax and dig in to the delicious, locally made sandwiches at one of the outdoor tables in Whistling Whimsy Café on East Main Street.



Forest Park

Shelbyville is a charming city in Shelby County, Illinois. Facing the water, the northeastern part of the town reveals a picturesque place with impressive recreation areas and one of the biggest parks in the county. Clean and well-maintained, Forest Park is a public spot which suits perfectly for a morning jog with Fido or calm, evening strolls. Your puppy should behave so the wildlife in the forest can enjoy your presence as much as you do! The park has wonderful pet-friendly lakeside walking trails, which are a natural pleasure to explore with Fido and a great place to snap a few pictures!

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Kenner, IL?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Kenner, IL?


How long does a dog walk last in Kenner, IL?


How to book a dog walk in Kenner, IL?


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