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Best dog walkers in Edgartown

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1. Caroline H

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Edgartown, MA, 02539


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Edgartown, MA, 02539

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Why book a dog walker in Edgartown?

Top-rated dog walkers in Edgartown, MA are standing by to take your dog on walk around your neighborhood. Browse Caregiver profiles to find dog walkers that are experienced with your pet's specific needs, or let the Wag! platform match you with a highly rated dog walker that's local to your Edgartown, MA neighborhood. You can even ask your dog walker to feed your pup a meal after their walk! Simply download the Wag! app to get started with your Pet Parent profile.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Edgartown




Chappaquiddick is a neighbor to Martha's Vineyard to the east. It is a part of Edgartown for census purposes. The area is much smaller than it appears on a map, being mostly comprised of bays, inlets, and ponds with a few hills and fields. The area was formed by glaciers about 20,000 years ago and was settled by ancestors to the Wamanoag people more that 12,000 years ago.  Wasque Point is a local beach where you are allowed to fish or walk around with your pup on a leash. Swimming is not permitted due to the undertow in the area, but there are more beaches with better swimming waters up north. 



Manuel F. Correllus State Forest

In the center of Martha's Vineyard, there is the beautiful Manuel F. Correllus State Forest. This forest is a part of the northwest corner of Edgartown. There are more than 14 miles of trails, paved bike paths, and other activities in this forest. There is a statue in the middle of the park area honoring the heath hen, which went extinct in 1932. You can view the area's wildlife and woodlands from any of the paths that you choose, with many vantage points that are great for resting, taking pictures, or just taking it all in with your trusty pup by your side.



Central Edgartown

The central part of Edgartown is a sparsely populated but charming area where you will find plenty of scenic dog walking spots to enjoy. The Edgartown Great Pond is on the southern end of this community. Leashed dogs are permitted as long as you stay out of the water and are careful not to disturb the local wildlife. This town has a passion for conservation, and the Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary is just one of those efforts where you can enjoy wildlife while leaving no trace. There are four miles of trails that give you a spectacular view of the rest of the island's ponds, meadows, marshes, and shorelines. 



Oak Bluffs

Oak Bluffs is just a few minutes to the north of Edgartown. This community is home to Waban Park, which is a lovely open green space that is commonly used for festivals. Dogs are usually welcome as long as they are well-mannered and on-leash. Sailing Camp Park is another public green space where you can get a stunning view of Lagoon Pond and the harbor. There are plenty of walking paths for you and your pup to enjoy, but you will need to bring waste bags and keep your pup at your side. You can even rent some of the facilities for family functions!



Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge

The Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge is accessible from Edgartown via ferry and is about 90 minutes from Martha's Vineyard. It has been used as a preservation area since 1995 to protect the local natural resources and wild birds that migrate through the area. The refuge is more than 5,000 acres of stunningly beautiful land, with about 350 acres available for hiking and public access. Childs River is a fishing spot in the refuge where you can even bring a paddle boat. If you are bringing your pup, you will want a comfortable harness for him, plenty of drinking water, and some snacks for the day! 

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Edgartown, MA?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Edgartown, MA?


How long does a dog walk last in Edgartown, MA?


How to book a dog walk in Edgartown, MA?


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