Best dog walkers in Great Barrington

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Best dog walkers in Great Barrington

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1. Steven F

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Lee, MA, 01238


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Lee, MA, 01238

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Why book a dog walker in Great Barrington?

Browse Great Barrington, MA dog walkers to find a Caregiver that can provide the best pet care for your dog — whether your pup is a major sniffing machine and needs a patient walker, or loves to pull full force and needs someone strong to hold the leash. Dog walkers on the Wag! platform are waiting to take your furry friend on a walk around Great Barrington, MA so you don't have to stress about pet care. The app even notifies you when your dog poops or pees along the way!

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Great Barrington



Great Barrington

The small town of Great Barrington has lots of dog-friendly options! For starters, the McCallister Park allows dog-lovers a chance to walk Fido without straying too far from town. The large park is in a rural area, mostly made up of woods, grassy plains, and natural paths. Fido will have to stay on a leash while at the park, and humans will have to bring water and clean-up bags. Fountain Pond Park is another option to go to when you're looking to get out and give Fido a walk in-town. The park has a pond for fishing and small dirt path that leads around the park. Fido will have to stay on a leash here as well.




Egermont is a small town located just 6 miles west of Great Barrington, and is known by most dog-lovers thanks to the French Park Dog Park. This fenced-in park takes up 1-acre and allows some good ol'fashioned off-leash play for all size of pups! There are trees for shade, benches and clean-up stations, but you will have to bring your own water. The neighborhood also houses the Prospect Lake Park, a dog-friendly park next to Prospect Lake with options to fish, kayak, explore, or camp. Dogs must remain on leash while in the park.




Just 6.5 miles east of Great Barrington is the lovely town of Monterey. This outdoors community has access to the Beartown State Forest, with over 10,000 acres of land, 198 of which are designated for recreational use. The park has nature trails leading through the protected landscape, with campsites, picnic shelters, grilling areas and fishing spots. Fido is welcome inside the park, but must remain on a leash 6 feet or shorter. In-town is the Les Trois Emme Winery and Vineyard, a dog-friendly vineyard that welcomes four-legged customers to stroll around the vineyard while their humans enjoy some wine tasting. Dogs must remain on a leash inside the vineyard and cleaned up after.




The small town of Lee is 12 miles north of Great Barrington, but traveling here is worth it for most dog-lovers, thanks to the dog-friendly park system in the city. The Abbey Court Park is a large, forested area known for its dirt trails through the woods. The park is open to leashed dogs and provides trash cans in the parking area. The town also has access to the Dunn State Park, a popular area for hiking, fishing, camping, and kayaking. Your pup will probably be most excited about the 4.5 miles of dog-friendly trails. Don't forget to bring water and clean-up bags to both parks.



New Marlborough

New Marlborough is 16 miles south of Great Barrington, and is surrounded by state forests just waiting to be explored by your pup! These forests are dog-friendly and include the Cookson State Forest, a wooded area with access to two lakes and a small creek. The Sandisfield State Forest offers a rockier terrain and moderate hiking trails. Both state parks are open from sunrise to sunset, require a fee for parking, and require dogs to be on a leash while in the parks. Neither park has any additional amentities, so be prepared to bring water and clean-up bags.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Great Barrington, MA?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Great Barrington, MA?


How long does a dog walk last in Great Barrington, MA?


How to book a dog walk in Great Barrington, MA?


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