Best dog walkers in Forest Lake

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Best dog walkers in Forest Lake

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1. Mirabel D

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Lino Lakes, MN, 55038


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Lino Lakes, MN, 55038

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Forest Lake?

Forest Lake, MN has plenty of "pawesome" places for your pup to explore, and booking a walk through Wag! is the easiest way to let them get out to sniff, scratch, and spot squirrels. Local dog walkers all over the Forest Lake, MN are vetted by Wag! and ready to pick up your pooch for a stroll around the neighborhood. Many Forest Lake, MN parks are dog-friendly and have plenty of space for your pup to get their steps in. Whether you're stuck at work or out on your own adventure, book a trusted dog walker to keep your pup happy and healthy.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Forest Lake



SW 15th Street

If you and Fido get a hankering for some delicious food, head over to Keys Café. They provide breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert that are all created from scratch. Their menu has some great classics, like biscuits and gravy or mashed potatoes. If Fido is craving some BBQ, then stop in at Famous Dave’s Barbeque, which offers a plethora of protein inspired dishes. Choose from ribs, sausage, or beef brisket to name a few. Both of these eateries have outdoor patios that are dog friendly and love when Fido joints you for a bite to eat.



Forest Lake

Acqua Restaurant and Bar is a fantastic place to stop in with Fido and have an amazing time. Not only is this beautiful eatery dog-friendly with a huge and well-light patio, it also offers tasty food, and games for you to play while you are waiting for your food or table. If you and Fido get a little bored, partake in a game of corn-hole with a friend. Acqua Restaurant and Bar strives to locally source all their ingredients, and serves dinner, brunch, and a three-course tasting menu. The restaurant sits on the lake, so while you and Fido enjoy your meal, you will have a beautiful view to accompany it.



Southview Forest Lake

Take Fido to Fenway Park if the two of you are looking for a great spot to walk and enjoy your day out. Fenway Park contains 40 acres, and has great amenities like baseball/softball fields, benches to relax on, restrooms, an ice skating rink, and play equipment. If your dog is up for a little more exercise, then head onto the trails that the park offers or enjoy the large open green space that is perfect for a game of fetch with Fido. Make sure to bring water with you to keep Fido hydrated and don’t forget your clean-up bags.



Lino Lakes

Rice Creek North Regional Park in Hugo is only eight miles out of Forest Lake, and a great spot to take Fido for a great day out. Fido won’t mind the car ride since this park has great amenities, like walking trails and a pond to splash in. While visiting the park, your dog needs to stay on leash. The park offers tons of sand for your dog to dig around in and picnic tables for you sit and watch him have fun. The trails are covered by trees to keep you and your furry friend shaded as you hike, and if you need to cool down, you both can hop in the pond that is in the middle of the park.



Downtown Wyoming

The Sunrise Prairie Trial is 4-miles out of Forest Lake in nearby Wyoming. The trail is 16.2-miles long, covered with asphalt, and travels through forests and wetland areas with an abundance of wildlife that Fido will love to see. The trail also offers restrooms and water for both dog owners and doggies. If you and your pup want to continue your hike, the Sunrise Prairie trail connects to the Hardwood Creek Regional Trail. Both trails are relatively unused, so Fido won’t have to worry about too many people bothering him. Be sure your pup stays on leash while you both enjoy the trail together. 

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Forest Lake, MN?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Forest Lake, MN?


How long does a dog walk last in Forest Lake, MN?


How to book a dog walk in Forest Lake, MN?


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