Best dog walkers in Byhalia

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Best dog walkers in Byhalia

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Kelsey P avatar

1. Kelsey P

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Victoria, MS, 38611


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Victoria, MS, 38611

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Byhalia?

With GPS tracking, in-app chat, and photos of your dog's walk, the Wag! app is the perfect way to book a dog walk for your pup. Byhalia, MS dog walkers know your neighborhood and are experienced in keeping your dog safe while they sniff around the block. Whether your pup needs a quick 30-minute walk or a longer 1-hour adventure, dog walkers in Byhalia, MS are ready help. Booking through the Wag! app is easy — simply set up your dog's profile and browse local Caregivers in minutes.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Byhalia



North Byhalia

The northern side of town has its own small ponds sprinkled throughout the grassy landscape. You can drive right up to most of these unnamed bodies of water for a relaxing afternoon with your dog. The northern side of town is home to the town’s post office, as well as an elementary school. You will see many dog owners walking their pups up and down between these two establishments, which is great for working on your dog’s social skills! Grab a good two-handed leash and harness if you are looking for a great opportunity to work with your dog around other dogs in a welcoming environment like Byhalia. 



South Byhalia

The south side of town is home to yet more small, unnamed ponds and lakes where your dog can lick and sniff his day away while you relax in the lush grass. You will want to pack your bags full of towels and blankets if you plan on spending significant time exploring this area. A scenic walk through this neighborhood includes traditional but beautifully kept churches and city buildings such as the Apostolic Church of Jesus. You can indulge your love of architecture while you dog indulges his love of squirrels and new plants to scratch and sniff all afternoon long. 




Allendale is found nearby in a town called Olive Branch, just 13 minutes from Byhalia near the Tennessee border. You will love the small town feel here as you enjoy your visit with your dog. The open spaces here are pawfect for those with multiple furry companions. Pack your bags full of waste bags, dog treats, water, and your dog’s favorite toys for your afternoons or weekends in Allendale. This neighborhood is surrounded by open green spaces where you and your dog can walk or run to your bark’s content. There are a few small, unclaimed lakes throughout this neighborhood where your dog can observe the local wildlife with you there to reassure him. 



Snowden Grove

Also in Olive Branch, Snowden Grove is just 15 minutes from Byhalia. This neighborhood is popular for its well-kept homes and walking paths. The gardeners in town love to attract local birds that will catch your dog’s eye and keep their attention throughout your walk. Your dog will enjoy taking evening walks throughout this pawtiful residential neighborhood. This neighborhood is home to Snowden Grove Park, a favorite spot for locals looking for a clean, safe place to take their families and dogs to run and play the day away. You will need your waste bags and plenty of water to fully enjoy your afternoon in this part of town. 




Found on the northern side of Olive Branch, Greenbrook is just 20 minutes from Byhalia. If you are looking for a larger neighborhood, you will truly enjoy all that Greenbrook has to offer. Just minutes from the Tennessee/Mississippi line, Greenbrook offers dog lovers all of the space and room to run and play that you could want. You will need waste bags for your walks and a good leash that will allow you to keep your dog close if you encounter other dogs on your walks. Dogs are very popular in this part of town, so be ready to remind your dog to mind his manners as you make new friends together. 

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Byhalia, MS?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Byhalia, MS?


How long does a dog walk last in Byhalia, MS?


How to book a dog walk in Byhalia, MS?


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