Best dog walkers in Fulton

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Best dog walkers in Fulton

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1. Mackenzie C

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Lysander, NY, 13027


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Lysander, NY, 13027

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Fulton?

Browse Fulton, NY dog walkers to find a Caregiver that can provide the best pet care for your dog — whether your pup is a major sniffing machine and needs a patient walker, or loves to pull full force and needs someone strong to hold the leash. Dog walkers on the Wag! platform are waiting to take your furry friend on a walk around Fulton, NY so you don't have to stress about pet care. The app even notifies you when your dog poops or pees along the way!

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Fulton




About 21.2 miles from Fulton, NY is the Bayberry neighborhood of Liverpool. This spot is muttastic for its offering of dog-friendly restaurants, and it’s a convenient place to stop if you’re on your way from Fulton to Syracuse. Bull & Bear Roadhouse is one dining spot you’ll probably want to try, featuring several outdoor tables for you and your pup to enjoy your meal together. This restaurant has tons of American favorites, like burgers and wings, but you can even find some delicious vegetarian meals here. Or, try Gino & Joe’s Pizza for a casual dining experience with plenty of unique pie offerings. 




Just a couple of miles south of Bayberry is the main neighborhood of Liverpool, also known as Liverpool. This area is the home of the Onondaga Lake, a pupular spot of New York that’s only a few miles from the city of Syracuse. Here, you can enjoy the Onondaga Lake Park with your favorite four-legged pal. The park has picnic areas, open space, playgrounds, and lots of other fun outdoor activities for you and your leashed dog. You can even join him on one of several walking or hiking trails. And, the Wegmans Good Dog Park is located conveniently inside the park, giving your pup a chance for unleashed fun. 




Westside in Syracuse, NY, is about 25.5 miles from Fulton. This neighborhood offers a delectable choice of fun eateries in the city that are dog-friendly! Byblos Café is the pawfect spot for Mediterranean cuisine lovers, offering Greek favorites like gyros and pita wraps. Dinosaur Bar-B-Que is the ultimate casual dining spot for a night on the town enjoying some of the best grilled and smoked dishes in the area. Or, try Café Kubal for your daily coffee fix with your favorite pup. All of these restaurants have outdoor seating that’s pet-friendly, so your well-behaved dog can even have a bite!  




Jamesville is a neighborhood in Syracuse, NY, that’s about 34.3 miles from Fulton. This neighborhood is the home of the Jamesville Reservoir. Near the southern end of it, you’ll find the Jamesville Beach Park, a pup-tastic place for dogs of all ages and sizes to enjoy with their owners. Your dog will need to be on his leash to explore most of the park, but he can also run and socialize off his leash at the dog park located within. You’ll need proof of your dog being up to date on his shots, and then he will be good to go!



Golden Acres

A little over 33 miles from Fulton is Golden Acres in Fayetteville, a small town near Syracuse. Fayetteville houses the Green Lakes State Park, which offers some incredible sights all year around. Your leashed pooch is welcome to join you in most areas of the park, like the beautiful beach surrounding the lake in the summer. Disposal bags are even provided in several spots for your convenience. In Golden Acres, you can also head to Loving Dog Luxe, the pawfect spot for a good old pampering for your pup. It offers spa and grooming services, as well as special wellness services for a variety of doggie needs. 

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Fulton, NY?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Fulton, NY?


How long does a dog walk last in Fulton, NY?


How to book a dog walk in Fulton, NY?


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