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Best dog walkers in Homer

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1. Allison F

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Mount Vernon, OH, 43050


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Mount Vernon, OH, 43050

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Homer?

To book a walk for your dog in Homer, OH, choose between a 20-minute, 30-minute or 60-minute walk for your pup. Then, let the Wag! platform match you with a top-rated dog walker near you. Or, you can browse Caregiver profiles to find the best dog walker for you and your pup's preferences. You can even save the Caregivers your dog liked best so you can easily book them again! When you're away or unable to walk your dog, let a Homer, OH dog walker do it for you.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Homer



High Street

Everyone loves pizza, even our dogs. That is why Donato's Pizza is pet-friendly! They know that there is nothing better than sharing a slice of edge-to-edge pizza with all your best buddies, even the furry ones. You can get all your favorite toppings or try an original blend. They have wings if you want something with a kick, and salads if you don't. Donato's Pizza is located in the heart of Mount Vernon, just ten miles from Homer. The locals rave about the vegan pizza called Its Greek to Me. If you are looking for something new to try, this is the one to go for!



Kokosing River

Come and take a walk through some of the prettiest countryside you will ever see. The Kokosing Gap Trail is located about ten miles from Homer. It is a safe and peaceful place for you to come and walk your dog. The trail is paved and was once part of the rail line. As you walk the trail, you will pass over three rail line trestles that preserve about two hundred feet of original structure. At the end of the trail is a butterfly garden open to the public. You and your dog will love this trail so much that it won't matter if he has to stay on his leash.



Yauger Road

Wolf Run Regional Park is another really great park located about ten miles from Homer. It is a family-friendly place that has lots to see and do. You can bring a picnic and enjoy lunch at any of the tables set up throughout the area. There is a fenced area just for your dog to get off his leash and play for a bit. The park provides water and bags so that it is always clean and ready for you to play safely. This is one large fenced area so please watch your small dogs closely. The dog park may not be the best place for shy or timid dogs to play, but your leashed dog is always welcome in the rest of the park.



Central Johnstown

Johnstown, Ohio is about twelve miles from Homer. It is the home or T.J Evan Trail, which is part of the Rails-to-Trails system. Each section has its own attributes. This part of the rail line is fourteen miles long. It takes you down into shaded ravine areas which makes it a perfect for a summer walk. You will see the rapids of Raccoon Creek from the trail. You will want to carry your own water and keep your dog on a leash while you are walking this trail. Bring a camera, too, because this trail has some beautiful spots along the way which make the perfect place for a photo op.



Wildwood Park

Wildwood Park in Granville is about twenty miles from Homer. It is the ultimate family destination! There's a playground here that will keep your kids busy for hours on end. The best part is that right next to the park is Granville Village Dog Park. You can let your fur child off his leash so that he can run and play while still keeping an eye on your human children. The park has everything that you need, including clean drinking fountains for humans and dogs as well as waste baggies and cleaning stations. Bring some snacks -- for yourself and your fur babies! -- to enjoy the pawfect day at the park.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Homer, OH?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Homer, OH?


How long does a dog walk last in Homer, OH?


How to book a dog walk in Homer, OH?


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