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Best dog walkers in Hazleton

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Samori G avatar

1. Samori G

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Freeland, PA, 18224


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Freeland, PA, 18224

Penny T avatar

2. Penny T

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Lansford, PA, 18232


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4.8 (28)

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Lansford, PA, 18232

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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Why book a dog walker in Hazleton?

Busy pet parents sometimes need a hand when it comes to ensuring their pup is getting the potty breaks and exercise they need. That's where Wag! comes in! Local Hazleton, PA dog walkers are background checked and registered on the Wag! platform, ready to take your dog on an adventure when you need them. Your dog can make a friend in the neighborhood, and you can re-book with the same dog walker easily in the app. Hazleton, PA has "pawlenty" of parks and neighborhoods that your dog is itching to explore!

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Hazleton



South Hazleton

Bailey’s Bark Park is a pupular destination in South Hazleton! There is a small fee to use this park, but it’s totally worth it as the rate is annual and low. It has a divided dog park, so big dogs and small ones can find playmates their own size here! There’s also shade and a couple of benches so owners can take a load off while the dogs run. The main attraction is room to roam and other dogs to play with, so bring a toy or two if your dog isn’t the most social type! Enjoy your time in Bailey’s Dog Park!



East Hazleton

The East End Playground in East Hazleton is a great place to take your dog and children. The playground features a few simple play structures, such as swings and a jungle gym. The rest of the park is left to open space. This is great for picking up a game of soccer, or other sports. Dogs will also love the green space in this park! Leash up and walk the perimeter; the park’s small size makes it easy to walk laps for exercise. The park’s woods give you a chance to cool down as you work. Bring a doggie bowl so your dog can enjoy the fountains! 



Western Hazleton

Western Hazleton is a neighborhood of Hazleton, not to be confused with the separate town of West Hazleton. It’s home to Beech Street Park. This is a great , convenient park that serves a largely residential area. Peak hours are after school gets out and weekend mornings. If your dog prefers to stay away from crowds, time your visits accordingly! Skirt the basketball courts and playground and take your leashed dog along this park’s short walking paths. The sports fields are great for dog lead exploration when they’re not in use. You can also relax at the picnic tables if you just want to spend time outdoors with your pup.



Downtown Hazleton

Downtown Hazleton is a great place to walk. See the heart of Hazleton, and stop off at a fun park along your way: Altmiller Playground. Despite the name, this park has a lot more than slides to offer! Though not the largest park in Hazleton, Altmiller Playground has interesting walking paths. There’s a large rock structure with a path to the top, and the peak offers an beautiful view of the whole area! Dogs are allowed to explore the park with you as long as they stay on leash. Bring a doggie bowl, as the park’s fountains were only built for humans!



McAdoo Heights

The McAdoo Memorial Park is just 12 minutes from Hazleton by car in McAdoo! It’s a great way to see more local culture without going too far out of your way. The memorial park honors veterans local and across the country. This park was designed with the local community in mind. The most prominent feature is the full size baseball diamond! This area is in high demand. Your pup can people watch to her heart’s content here. You can also explore the green space between the diamond and the basketball courts. While the park is light on amenities, it makes up for it with ample romping space.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Hazleton, PA?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Hazleton, PA?


How long does a dog walk last in Hazleton, PA?


How to book a dog walk in Hazleton, PA?


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