Best dog walkers in Granbury

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Best dog walkers in Granbury

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Melodie D avatar

1. Melodie D

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Granbury, TX, 76049


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4.8 (42)

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Granbury, TX, 76049

Veronica B avatar

2. Veronica B

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Granbury, TX, 76049


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4.8 (26)

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Granbury, TX, 76049

Emily N avatar

3. Emily N

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Granbury, TX, 76049


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5 (1)

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Granbury, TX, 76049

Kaitlyn C avatar

4. Kaitlyn C

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Granbury, TX, 76048


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5 (15)

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Granbury, TX, 76048

Sydney M avatar

5. Sydney M

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DeCordova, TX, 76049


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5 (0)

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DeCordova, TX, 76049

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Why book a dog walker in Granbury?

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The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Granbury



City Center

Hewlett Park and Granbury City Beach Park are pawsome places for a leashed walk among the trees and water features. Shanley Park, a landscaped area with fountains and bridges, surrounds a winding creek for a relaxing leashed stroll. The 1.5-acre Granbury Bark Park has separate large and small dog off-leash exercise areas. The park has plenty of shaded, with water available for dogs and people. On the Square, enjoy the best of southern fried chicken at Babe’s Chicken Dinner House or a bowl of Cajun Crawfish Etouffee at the Pearl Street Station. Your pup is welcome in the outdoor seating areas of both restaurants.




For Texas sized comfort food, drop by The Local Café and enjoy the cozy atmosphere. It’s all served in their beautiful and fun outdoor setting and ingredients are sourced from local growers. Fido has his own menu to enjoy alongside you. The Tiki Shack DaiquiriZ and Tacos To Go serves up some amazing tacos and salsa in addition to their drinks. The meats used are smoked out back, and the drinks  are ‘iceburg’ cold. Pick up a treat for lunch or dinner on the go or settle in at one of the outdoor tables with your pup. The good people of Tiki Shack are happy to make recommendations.




Rough Creek Park Campground is located on the west side of Lake Granbury, just south of town.  This beautiful park, with plenty of shade, ample parking, and a great fishing pier,  is located near the Lake Granbury Marina.  There is a small sandy area that borders the lake for some great sand play with your pup.  You’ll love camping in the shade of the tree covered park.  There are picnic tables among the trees and the camping is primitive.  There are restrooms available, but no defined campsites, water, or electric.  All camping is free and first come, first served.




Acton Park was once the smallest state park in Texas, but is now identified as a historic site. Elizabeth Crockett, wife of Davy Crockett is buried in the Acton Cemetery near the center of the park. The tall striking monument and informational plaques describe the Crockett family history in Texas. Gravel paths run throughout the cemetery, but the rest of the park has open space to wander freely. You and your leashed pup can enjoy a peaceful and relaxing walk around the grounds as you enjoy the sights and sounds, and follow the squirrels in this small .01-acre getaway.



Northwest Glen Rose

Dinosaur State Park, approximately 23 miles south of Granbury in the town of Glen Rose, covers just over 1,500 acres and offers an abundance of outdoor on-leash hiking fun for you and your pooch. If you enjoy camping, this is the place. Tent camping and RV space is available with reservations in advance, and backpack campsites are also available. Dinosaur World, not far from the state park, is 20 acres of life-size dinosaur figures along a winding walkway just perfect for exploring on leash. Bring along a water dish and some disposal bags for Fido on your outing to assure good pet-iquette and the comfort of Fido.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Granbury, TX?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Granbury, TX?


How long does a dog walk last in Granbury, TX?


How to book a dog walk in Granbury, TX?


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