Best dog walkers in Lake Jackson

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Best dog walkers in Lake Jackson

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Jordan J avatar

1. Jordan J

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Angleton, TX, 77515


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Angleton, TX, 77515

Karely A avatar

2. Karely A

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Freeport, TX, 77541


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5 (1)

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Freeport, TX, 77541

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Lake Jackson?

Lake Jackson, TX has plenty of "pawesome" places for your pup to explore, and booking a walk through Wag! is the easiest way to let them get out to sniff, scratch, and spot squirrels. Local dog walkers all over the Lake Jackson, TX are vetted by Wag! and ready to pick up your pooch for a stroll around the neighborhood. Many Lake Jackson, TX parks are dog-friendly and have plenty of space for your pup to get their steps in. Whether you're stuck at work or out on your own adventure, book a trusted dog walker to keep your pup happy and healthy.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Lake Jackson



Buffalo Camp Farms

To enjoy some playtime and exercise with your furry friend, head to the Buffalo Camp County Park when you are in Lake Jackson! Here there is lots of grass for your pup to run and roam, as well as some trees for shade. There is a walking path where you can wander around and stretch your legs, and enough space to place fetch or tug of war with your doggo. In addition, there is also a playground that the kids can enjoy on a sunny day. So, bring your beloved companion along to Buffalo Camp County Park and enjoy some playtime when the weather is nice! 



Lake Jackson

For something pawsome to eat, drop by Beef O’Brady’s in Lake Jackson! Here you can tuck into burgers, pizza, sandwiches and seafood, as well as enjoy a refreshing beverage. There are also outdoor tables where you can bring your pup to join you. At The Local, you can dig into some southern seafood, steaks and homemade comfort food for a relaxing evening. There are also lots of outdoor tables where your furry friend can watch the world go by while you eat. If you are visiting Lake Jackson and need a place to stay with your pooch, check in to the Super 8. You can also enjoy comfortable accommodation at the Clarion Inn. At both hotels, you can stay with two canines of any size for a small additional fee per night.



Yaupon/ Wisteria

There is no better place to enjoy some fun in the sun than at Madge Griffith Park! This is a furrific green spot in Lake Jackson where you can bring your furry friend to play fetch and enjoy some stretching his or her legs. There is open grass for your pup to roam, as well as safe surroundings to practice your canine’s training. There are lots of puptastic amenities here that you can enjoy with the family, including baseball fields, an outdoor swimming pool, playground for the kids and picnic tables for enjoying some fresh air.



Balsam St

For some exercise and fun with your beloved canine, check out Garland Park in Lake Jackson! This is a puptastic neighborhood park where you can run around with your furry friend. There is plenty of grass for rolling and roaming, as well as trees for your pup to sniff around and enjoy some shade. Your four-legged friend will have a ball here in the sun! Other pawsome amenities at Garland Park include tennis court facilities and a playground structure for the kids. There are also some picnic tables where you can chill out with your pooch and enjoy a treat.




When you are in Lake Jackson, be sure you don’t miss out on the fun over at James F Crews Park! This is a pawsome place where there is plenty of green grass for your pup to explore, as well as trees that your pooch will love to investigate. There is also lots of space here where you can play with a ball or Frisbee with your furry friend and burn off some excitable energy. Since James F Crews Park is open, it may be best to keep your canine on his leash.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Lake Jackson, TX?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Lake Jackson, TX?


How long does a dog walk last in Lake Jackson, TX?


How to book a dog walk in Lake Jackson, TX?


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