Best dog walkers in Kimball Junction

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Best dog walkers in Kimball Junction

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Gizelh G avatar

1. Gizelh G

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Snyderville, UT, 84098


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5 (2)

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Snyderville, UT, 84098

Adam S avatar

2. Adam S

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Snyderville, UT, 84098


Five stars

4.8 (52)

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Snyderville, UT, 84098

Callie F avatar

3. Callie F

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Park City, UT, 84060


Five stars

5 (36)

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Park City, UT, 84060

Sarah B avatar

4. Sarah B

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Park City, UT, 84060


Five stars

4.9 (104)

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Park City, UT, 84060

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Why book a dog walker in Kimball Junction?

Top-rated dog walkers in Kimball Junction, UT are standing by to take your dog on walk around your neighborhood. Browse Caregiver profiles to find dog walkers that are experienced with your pet's specific needs, or let the Wag! platform match you with a highly rated dog walker that's local to your Kimball Junction, UT neighborhood. You can even ask your dog walker to feed your pup a meal after their walk! Simply download the Wag! app to get started with your Pet Parent profile.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Kimball Junction



North Park City

If you travel a mere nineteen miles south from your home in Kimball Junction, you will find yourself in the neighborhood of Park City, located in the northern part of Park City, Utah. This neighborhood is home to the Willow Creek Dog Park and the Trailside Park. Willow Creek Dog Park is completely fenced in and even has a swimming hole for pups to cool off in hot weather. Trailside Park is not an off-leash park, but welcomes dogs of all sizes and breeds as long as they are leashed at all times. It is smaller than the Willow Creek Dog Park, so if your dog needs to run and play, it may not be ideal.



South Park City

Located in Summit County, approximately twenty miles from Kimball Junction is the southern neighborhood of Park City. This neighborhood is home to not one but two dog-friendly locations! First, you must take your furry friend to the Park City Dog Park at the Recreational Complex. This large, fenced-in dog park is open all days of the year. The second place you mutts go is the Millrace Dog Park. Although this is not a fenced-in park, dogs are allowed to run and play without leashes as long as they have a park permit. Unlike the Park City Dog Park, it is not open all days of the year.



Mill Creek

Located in Salt Lake City, twenty-five miles from Kimball Junction, is the beautiful neighborhood of Mill Creek. This neighborhood is home to the Mill Creek Canyon, a nature lover and furry companion’s dream location. Interestingly, this location is both an off-leash and on-leash location. On even-numbered days of the month, pups are required to be on a leash, but on odd-numbered days, they can run and walk freely on the canyon’s trails. However, this location does not have many amenities for dogs, so make sure you take your own doggie poop bags.



Sunnyside East

Also located approximately twenty-five miles from Kimball Junction is the neighborhood of Sunnyside East. The drive is well worth it because this neighborhood is home to Rotary Glen Dog Park. This gigantic dog park is the perfect place to take your furry friend when they just need to stretch their legs and get some fresh air. The park is off-leash and comes equipped with an abundance of amenities. Furthermore, it is loved by many locals, so you and your companion are bound to make a new human and furry friend or two! Trust us, your pup will adore you for taking them to this slice of heaven.



Heber City

Although there are no dog parks in Heber City, do not fret. This city is home to the Jordanelle State Park. Located twenty-four miles from Kimball Junction, this park has everything you and your dog could want for a day out in nature. There is an abundance of space, trails, fishing and scenic spots for you to sit and relax. Since the park is incredibly large, you can even find a place to sit and play with your dog away from the rest of the world. Just make sure you take your own water and doggie poop bags as the park does not provide them.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Kimball Junction, UT?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Kimball Junction, UT?


How long does a dog walk last in Kimball Junction, UT?


How to book a dog walk in Kimball Junction, UT?


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