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Best dog walkers in Wallingford

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1. Tom W

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Rutland, VT, 05701


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Rutland, VT, 05701

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Why book a dog walker in Wallingford?

Is your pup ready for a stroll around the neighborhood? Find local dog walkers in Wallingford, VT who are background checked and vetted by Wag!. Easily schedule recurring walks ahead of time for days when you're in the office, or book on demand when you're out on the town and can't get home in time to walk your dog. Wag! is here to help you ensure your pup can enjoy the sniffs and sights around your Wallingford, VT neighborhood, even sending you pictures during the walk and notifications when your furry family member does their business.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Wallingford




Wallingford is home to part of the White Rocks National Recreation Area, with an entrance off of Route 140. This 36,000-acre park features pup-friendly trails and picnic areas, along with trailside camping. The White Rock Picnic Area trail travels from the entrance parking lot for about a mile and has a moderate climb in spots. Perfect for families with kids and dogs, this short walk passes some rock cairns and upward to a cliff overlooking Bully Brook and its cascading waterfall. At the bottom of the rise is a boulder field where the ice gets trapped in the winter and is often still present in the warm months, making a very efficient natural air conditioner, pawrfect for cooling off before the trek back to the car. Woofderful! After your hike, satisfy your need for a meal or snack at Sal’s South, where you’ll find a dog-friendly patio and classic Italian fare and pizza Mangia!



Mount Holly

Mount Holly is a town adjacent to Wallingford, and it’s where you’ll find a portion of the 7,500-acre pup-friendly Okemo State Forest, which it shares with three other towns. The area can be accessed via Buttermilk Falls Road or Station Road, both off State Road 103, with parking at both entrances. The Healdville Trail begins at the Station Road entrance and climbs to the summit of Okemo Mountain where there is a refurbished observation tower with pawsome views! Along the way, you and your pup will discover a refreshing cold mountain stream and two scenic overlooks. The Okemo Mountain Road is a paved road accessible by foot, car, and bicycle and is an alternate route to the summit. In winter, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing are popular, and the summit becomes a downhill ski resort! Furtastic!



Rutland City Pine Hill Park

This neighborhood in the city of Rutland is home to Pine Hill Park, where you and your fur-baby can hike on 16.5 miles of interlocking trails of easy, moderate or expert difficulty and varying lengths. The trailhead and parking are off the Oak Street Extension near East Creek, and from there, the options are seemingly endless. The 300 acres of this park consists of marked single dirt trails and carriage trails for hiking and biking through forest and around Rocky and Muddy Ponds. As in any woodland, this one is teeming with wildlife to keep Fido on his toes, and several suspension bridges cross creeks and brooks, so be sure to look for frogs and other amphibians. Arf!




Mendon is a town to the northeast of Wallingford, and it’s host to dog-friendly Aitken State Forest, which boasts the furtastic, looped Bald Mountain Trail on its 900 acres. This popular 3.5-mile trail offers scenic vistas at rocky outcroppings along the trail to the summit of Bald Mountain. The park also features primitive campsites that are available year-round, but be aware that parking lots and access roads are not plowed in the winter, so you will need to ski or snowshoe into the camp area. Mendon is also where you’ll find five trails of varying lengths and levels of difficulty. The shortest is the Deer Leap Overlook Trail, a 1-mile out-and-back that is pawrfect for a short walk with your fur-baby. The longest is the 7-mile Bucklin Trail that starts flat but rises quickly after about 2 miles. Regardless of your hiking experience, you’re sure to find a trail here that will suit you and your four-legged pal!




Tinmouth is a nearby town that is home to the Tinmouth Channel Wildlife Management Area in the Taconic Mountains. Its 1,260 acres covers a combination of upland forests and wetlands with an especially large wetland at its center. There are no established trails in the WMA, but your furry bestie is welcome to join you for a backcountry hike, canoe or kayak trip, or snowshoeing in the winter. The wild, remote nature of the area is what attracts many to explore it. Because of the distinct wetland and upland forest areas, wildlife is not only abundant but also varied. Everything from amphibians in the brooks and marshes, to the nesting songbirds and soaring raptors greet you and Fido as you walk. Deer and rare wildflowers co-exist here as well, providing ample opportunity for viewing, dog-sniffing, and photo-taking!  

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Wallingford, VT?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Wallingford, VT?


How long does a dog walk last in Wallingford, VT?


How to book a dog walk in Wallingford, VT?


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