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Best dog walkers in Naches

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1. Olivia B

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Grand Rapids, MI, 49503


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Grand Rapids, MI, 49503

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Naches?

Need a dog walker in a pinch? Vetted Pet Caregivers in the Naches, WA area are just a few taps away when you use the Wag! app to book a walk for your dog. Once you've found the "pawfect" dog walker near you, you can save your dog walker as a preferred Caregiver for easy booking the next time you need them. Naches, WA dog walkers are background checked by Wag! and rated by other local Pet Parents so you don't have to worry about your dog while you're out.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Naches



Naches City Center

The residents of the city center of Naches never need to get bored on their morning walk with Fido! This neighborhood is home to two great community parks. A town favorite, is the Naches Applewood Park. This pretty park features a playground and covered picnic areas, so don’t forget to pack a lunch and some dog biscuits! There are several athletic fields as well that your pup can sniff and play on while there are no games in progress. The Lower Naches Community Park is similair, and boasts 7.5 acres, offering large grassy areas for your dog to stretch his legs on. Leashed dogs are welcome in both of these parks, as long as they follow proper petiquette!



Silver Beach

The Silver Beach neighborhood in Naches provides quick access to some great trails in the Wenatchee National Forest! A portion of the iconic Pacific Crest Trail passes right through this neighborhood. The White Pass North Trailhead of the PCT can be found along Highway 12 in Silver Beach. For a day hike that will get your dog’s tail wagging, start at this trailhead and keep going northwest to Sand Lake. The hike is about 6.5 miles and will take about 4 hours to complete with your pooch. The trail wanders through wildflowers and pine forests. After working up a sweat, take a plunge into Sand Lake at the end of the trail. Leashed dogs are welcome on the trail as long as they get picked up after!



Goose Prairie

The Goose Prairie neighborhood of Naches also brings you way out into the wilderness of the Wenatchee Forest. It’s from this neighborhood that you can enjoy some more hiking, swimming, and camping with your pupper along the Pacific Crest Trail. One of the favorite hikes is from Bumping River to Fish Lake. This 14 miles hike will take all day, so be sure to bring supplies, like food and drinking water for your parched dog. This is a great trail if you’re looking to avoid the higher more strenuous trails, but still enjoy great mountain views. You may even have the change to spot some Rocky Mountain elk! If you want to stay in the area for a while, head over to Bumping Lake Campground. It’s located on the south shore of Bumping Lake, has dog friendly sites and flush toilets! Leashed dogs are welcome through all these areas, but don’t forget to pick up after him or her!




For a trail a little closer to civilization, head into the neighborhood of Tibbling in Selah. It’s here that you can find the Yakima Rim Skyline Trail. The trailhead can be found on Buffalo Road in the Tibbling. This 8 mile trail has blooming wildflowers among the desert hills in the springtime. You and your doggo might also have the chance to sniff out some interesting wildlife while hiking, like mule deer and bighorn sheep. Be sure to keep your dog leashed, and watch out for dangerous wildlife like rattlesnakes and scorpions. It could take from 4 to 6 hours to complete the hike, so don’t forget to bring lots of water for you and your best pal!




Just a short jog into the neighborhood of Fairbrook in the town of Yakima, brings you to another gem of a park. Randall Park is just 20 minutes away from Naches, and is very pawpular among the dog walkers, outdoors enthusiasts and recreationists. Possibly the best part is the dog park located just across the Wide Hollow Creek. The Randall Dog Park offers a safe area for your playful pup to run, play, and meet furry friends. This fenced in area has drinking water and waste bags, just don’t forget your dog’s favourite ball! The rest of Randall Park features a creekside nature trail, athletic fields, picnic areas and a pond. Your dog needs to stay leashed when he or she is not within the fenced-in dog park.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Naches, WA?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Naches, WA?


How long does a dog walk last in Naches, WA?


How to book a dog walk in Naches, WA?


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