Best dog walkers in Genoa City

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Best dog walkers in Genoa City

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Devin L avatar

1. Devin L

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Antioch, IL, 60002


Five stars

4.8 (37)

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Antioch, IL, 60002

Savannah N avatar

2. Savannah N

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Richmond, IL, 60071


Five stars

5 (27)

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Sitting ·



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Richmond, IL, 60071

Christine M avatar

3. Christine M

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Wonder Lake, IL, 60097


Five stars

5 (10)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·



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Wonder Lake, IL, 60097

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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Why book a dog walker in Genoa City?

Your pup wants to see the Genoa City, WI sights just as much as you do, whether they're taking a quick spin around the block or frolicking in their favorite nearby park. Dog walkers on the Wag! platform are experienced with dogs of all shapes and sizes, ensuring your dog is safe and happy as they explore Genoa City, WI. You can work, play, or run errands knowing you don't have to worry about pet care while you're out.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Genoa City



Northeast Richmond

Just because Elizabeth Lake Nature Preserve is located in another state does not mean it will take you long to get there. The trip to Elizabeth Lake Nature Preserve in Richmond, IL will only take you a few minutes. This large park has plenty of space for humans and pups to enjoy nature. You can start the day with a picnic on the open grassy plains of the park and end it by taking a boat out onto the water. All pups of all sizes and breeds are welcome at the park as long as they are leashed.



City Center

Big Foot Beach State Park is only twenty minutes away from Genoa City, and the short trip is well worth it. This large state park is adjacent to Lake Geneva and has plenty of things to do, including walking, hiking, camping, and a wide array of water sports. Plus, it is nearly 300 acres in size so you and your pooch will have plenty to see and plenty of space to explore! In addition to the beautiful nature in the park, there are many amenities, including park benches for families and pups to really enjoy everything the park has to offer. Don't forget to bring your own water and waste bags to keep this park as clean as you found it!


Southeast Ringwood

Because Genoa City is so close to the border of Wisconsin and Illinois, it's also close to Glacial Park. You'd be barking mad to miss this pawesome spot! This park is only a ten-minute drive from Genoa City and has everything you or your pooch could want. It is nearly 3,400 acres of wetlands, flat prairies, forests, and glacial kames, as well as plenty of trails. You can choose to walk, run, or hike and get a good workout with your pup. You could also choose to get a boat and spend the day on the water catching some sun rays or fishing with your furry friend.



Channel Lake

Another park located in Illinois is Gander Mountain Forest Preserve. This park is only twelve minutes away from Genoa City, making it the perfect place to spend an afternoon or lunch break with your pooch. This large park has plenty of trails and great terrain for off-trail hiking. Many humans like to take their pups for a day out in the wilderness here, so your pup might just sniff out a new canine companion! Just make sure your pup is on a leash and healthy enough to keep up with you. And don't forget to bring plenty of water -- you and Fido are sure to work up a sweat (or pant) here!



Loon Lake

Although Raven Glen Forest Preserve may seem like it is a lot further than the other parks, it is still less than half an hour away from Genoa City. This large forest preserve is one of the most frequented parks in the area where you will often see many people running, walking, or just relaxing with their pups. Many people choose to stay at the preserve overnight -- a wonderfurr option if you and your pooch love the great outdoors. However, locals note that there isn't much shade here, so it would be a good idea to wear sunblock and take water with you.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Genoa City, WI?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Genoa City, WI?


How long does a dog walk last in Genoa City, WI?


How to book a dog walk in Genoa City, WI?


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