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Best dog walkers in Poynette

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1. Paige M

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Lowville, WI, 53955


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Lowville, WI, 53955

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Why book a dog walker in Poynette?

Top-rated dog walkers in Poynette, WI are standing by to take your dog on walk around your neighborhood. Browse Caregiver profiles to find dog walkers that are experienced with your pet's specific needs, or let the Wag! platform match you with a highly rated dog walker that's local to your Poynette, WI neighborhood. You can even ask your dog walker to feed your pup a meal after their walk! Simply download the Wag! app to get started with your Pet Parent profile.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Poynette



Jamieson Park

Jamieson Park is a real mutts-visit! Located just one mile west of downtown Poynette, Jamieson Park contains 45 acres of wooded wonderland. Not only that, but the park has access to the Rowan Creek Trail! This 3-mile out-and-back trail runs through forest, prairie and wetlands along the banks of the creek, and it doesn’t have much of an incline, making the walk suitable for all ages and abilities. Be sure to bring bug spray in the summer, though, or you and your pooch will be scratching all the way home!



Gibraltar Rock

Fitter furry friends and owners in search of a more strenuous hike might want to check out Gibraltar Rock State Natural Area. Make no bones about it -- if you two are looking for a challenge, you’ll find one here! Gibraltar Rock is part of Wisconsin’s 1,000-mile Ice Age Trail, which features gorgeous glacial lakes and interesting rock formations. Make it to the top and you and your pooch will be rewarded with a breathtaking view over almost all of Columbia County. Your pooch will need to be leashed, of course, and remember to bring your own bags and water!




You’ll need to drive all the way to Burke to get to a fenced-in area where your furry friend can run free, but once your pooch is let loose in the dog park at Token Creek County Park, you two might decide that the twenty-minute trip was worth it! The park is huge -- there’s plenty of room in both the small and large dog area for your pup to leap about and tire themselves out in, and the park provides agility equipment for extra canine cardio! Bags are provided, but there’s no running water -- you’ll need to bring your own bottle.



Downtown Deforest

Pooches and owners looking for a more sedate stroll might enjoy the Upper Yahara River Trail in Deforest, a flat, 2.5-mile paved trail that meanders along the banks of the Yahara River through peaceful woodland. A pretty place for you two to stretch your legs at any time of the year, this trail is extra special in fall, when the trees burst into a riot of color that needs to be seen to be believed! After you two are all walked out, consider stopping by at Norske Nook. This furrific local cafe does a delicious tart cherry pie, and welcomes wagging tails at outdoor tables.



Prairie du Sac

Shamrock Dog Park is managed by the veterinary clinic next door, so you know your pooch is in good hands! The park has two acres of green space for your fur ball to run around and tire themselves out in. Not only that, but the lot also gets plenty of shade, so you can let your pup leap about to their heart’s content without worrying about them overheating in the summer. Bags and water are provided, so just bring your furry friend and some toys and prepare to play. There’s a $2 admission charge, but if that’s not a deal-breaker for you, you’d be barking mad not to go!

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Poynette, WI?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Poynette, WI?


How long does a dog walk last in Poynette, WI?


How to book a dog walk in Poynette, WI?


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