Vision Problems in Dogs

Vision Problems in Dogs - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost

What are Vision Problems?

Because your dog has such a profound sense of smell and hearing, loss of vision can go unnoticed. Vision problems can be difficult to diagnose, and range from red eyes that need moisturising drops, to inflammatory or infectious disease.

Your aging dog may find that his vision is compromised as he ages. If you suspect your dog is having vision problems, it is best to call your veterinary clinic and book an appointment with the specialist. Some vision problems are a symptom of early disease, so early diagnosis may help extend the vision of your pet.

Your dog uses several senses to get around but it's important to keep their eyes healthy as vision loss can occur rapidly if left unchecked.

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Symptoms of Vision Problems in Dogs

Medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart/liver disease can bring on vision changes.

  • Your dog's eyes may be red and weeping with fluid which can affect the vision 
  • Cloudiness in the eyes
  • Changes to the colors of the eye 
  • Bumping into things (a sure sign that vision is impaired) 
  • Behavioral changes such as apprehensive behavior 
  • Pawing at the eyes or face 
  • Inflamed looking eyes, swelling or puffiness
  • Reluctance to go to unfamiliar places 
  • Squinting or partially closed eyes 
  • Startling easily or being confused 
  • Reluctance to jump or use stairs 
  • Aversion to bright light 


Vision and eye problems in your dog can be identified in specialized categories 

  • Hereditary - Canines can be born with a predisposition to have a certain trait such as an ingrown eyelid
  • Inflammation - Through inflammatory conditions or an infectious disease 
  • Congenital - Your dog may be born with a certain condition or affliction 
  • Trauma - Injury or damage through an event that affects the eyes
  • Tumor - Eye and eyelid tumors caused by disease

Causes of Vision Problems in Dogs

  • Vision loss and blindness can be a result of normal aging, injury, or disease factors 
  • Diabetes in dogs is rising with heredity playing a large part, with obesity and nutrition contributing factors 
  • Cataracts occur when the lens in your dog's eye turns cloudy and prevents light from reaching the retina 
  • Glaucoma is a painful condition caused by fluid pressure inside the eye with damage to the retina and optic nerves 
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) is an inherited condition; the retina deteriorates causing blindness and affects both eyes 
  • Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome (SARDS) is much like PRA with no pain and deterioration of the retina but it develops suddenly and ends in total blindness in a matter of a few days or weeks
  • High blood pressure, Cushing's disease, heart, liver, and kidney diseases can be a cause of vision loss 
  • Corneal ulcers from an eye injury or a foreign object in the eye 

These are just a few things that may alter the vision of your pet; a veterinarian check-up is vital if you want a chance of saving your dog's eyesight.

Diagnosis of Vision Problems in Dogs

If you are in any doubt about the health of your dog or his vision, taking him to be given a full health examination is recommended. Rarely does a vision problem resolve itself; in fact, it can become far worse and cause permanent damage without treatment. Your veterinarian will check not only your dog's eyesight but he will assess the overall health to see what may be contributing to the problem (such as obesity or parasitic conditions). Early intervention may allow medical or surgical treatments to be successful. 

Cataracts can cause the lenses of your dog’s eyes to become cloudy as he ages, and like humans, surgery is recommended and has a very high success rate in dogs who recover their vision (90%). Other eye and vision problems may just need specific eyedrops to clear as an example, a bacterial infection. Your veterinarian eye specialist may discover a foreign body in the eye causing a corneal ulcer and surgery may be needed to remove it. With so many probable causes, your veterinarian is your best choice to help solve any problems with your dog’s vision and health.

An ophthalmologist may be consulted. He will examine your pet's eye and perform tests including a Schirmer tear test, fluorescein stain evaluation to check for ulcers and tonometry test which can detect glaucoma.

Treatment of Vision Problems in Dogs

Depending on the cause of your dog's problem vision, whether disease, infection, or old age, your veterinarian is best advised to talk over the options with you. For example, an in-grown eyelid where the eyelid turns in causing the lashes to rub on the eye may need surgery to correct the eyelid. Diseases, such as diabetes which may be causing vision loss can be treated with a change in diet and exercise, and/or daily insulin shots. As with all disease the earlier it is found, the easier it is to treat and resolve. Glaucoma conditions may need medical and/or surgery treatments but are more successful with early intervention. 

With a gradual loss of sight, your dog will adapt quickly becoming more reliant on his other senses to get around. Training your dog early to stop or halt will help when you see that your vision impaired pooch is about to walk into something. Dogs can live quite adequately with impaired vision, if they don’t sense your worry and panic. Dogs who lose their sight quickly may take some time and reassurance to get used to their condition, and changes may be needed to the environment to enable him to move confidently around the home.

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Recovery of Vision Problems in Dogs

While it is sad if your dog loses its eyesight, it is not the end of the world. They have such great personalities and acceptance and they will just get on with life using their other great senses. Don’t panic or fuss over your dog as it may make them concerned and sense something is wrong. Let them find their own way around, help them by calmly leading them around obstacles or saying ‘stop’ if they are well trained and they will find their own solution. Many dogs go on to lead a happy meaningful life even if they no longer have perfect vision. Other conditions have a positive prognosis for recovery, and after surgery or medication your dog can recover to lead a full life. Early detection of any vision problems is the key to successful recovery.

Vision Problems Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals





Five Years


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5 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Concave Chest
My dog has a vision problem, and has very low eyesight. His eyes gets red and weeping with fluid sometimes. I'm really worried. I'm not able to get the cause and problem medication.

Sept. 26, 2020

Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM

5 Recommendations

Thank you for your question. It is not possible to diagnose a problem with eyes without seeing him If this is an ongoing problem and does not seem to be getting better, It would be best to have your pet seen by a veterinarian, as they can examine your pet, see what might be going on, and get treatment for them if needed.

Oct. 17, 2020

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Cocker Spaniel




5 Years


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My pet has the following symptoms:
Bloodshot, Glossy, Unfocused Nkda
My daughters dog was groomed yesterday at his regular groomer. His eyes this morning are unfocused, bloodshot, and glossy. I used his regulator ear cleanser, antibiotic eye ointment , and nose gel for his psoriasis after coming home from the groomer. He is acting fine but, his eyes are what is abnormal. Earlier this morning he looked fine. This onset seems acute. Rocco is a cocker spaniel.

July 15, 2018

Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM

0 Recommendations

I'm not sure what the cause may be for Rocco to have these problems with his eyes, and it may or may not be related to his grooming since he seemed fine this morning. It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to eyes, and Cocker Spaniels are more prone to some eye conditions than other dogs. It would be a good idea to have him seen right away by a veterinarian to have an examination and make sure that everything is okay. They'll be able to look at his eyes and determine what is happening, and what treatment he may need.

July 15, 2018

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