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Best dog walkers in Montevallo

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Calera, AL, 35040


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Calera, AL, 35040

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Why book a dog walker in Montevallo?

To book a walk for your dog in Montevallo, AL, choose between a 20-minute, 30-minute or 60-minute walk for your pup. Then, let the Wag! platform match you with a top-rated dog walker near you. Or, you can browse Caregiver profiles to find the best dog walker for you and your pup's preferences. You can even save the Caregivers your dog liked best so you can easily book them again! When you're away or unable to walk your dog, let a Montevallo, AL dog walker do it for you.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Montevallo




Orr Park in Montevallo is a popular destination for families and their pups. There is a stream that runs through the park providing a great place to walk and admire the sights and sounds of the water. The paved trail loops around for almost a mile, and is easily accessible for strollers and wheelchairs. As you walk through the park, you will be amazed by the unique animal carvings on tree trunks and stumps. The kids can also have fun on the playground while you relax with Fido in the gazebo or picnic pavilion. Just remember to bring your own doggie waste bags and dispose of trash in the receptacles near the restrooms. Another option for exercise is the Shoal Creek Park on Hwy 19. This 167-acre park was donated by “Betty” Mahler and features an antebellum home and a historic recreation site. Shoal Creek runs through the park where you can hike with your pup, and there are plenty of shade trees to stay out of the sun.




Stephen’s Park is situated in the Almont neighborhood and provides 20 acres of space for families to enjoy. There is a large open field where you can play with your pooch and a ¾ mile walking track where you can get some exercise. Kids and adults will also enjoy the large fishing pond where you can relax on the banks of the water while pups sniff the plants and get their feet wet. Hop on the Montevallo Parks Trail system from the park and travel east through downtown Montevallo and around the Golf course. You will even pass over a wooden bridge and the trail takes you onto the University campus. It’s easy to leave the car at Stephen’s Park and hike with your pup around town.  



Northeast Montevallo

In the northern part of town, the Ebenezer Swamp Ecological Preserve can be found in this neighborhood. The boardwalk that travels through the preserve is perfect to walk along and admire the plants and animals. You might see cranes, geese and even otter swimming in the water. Be sure to keep your pup on a leash as you explore the area. There are restrooms at the beginning of the trail. If you go out to the preserve in the evening, you can enjoy sunset. When looking for a fun activity for the kids and your furry family members, everyone will love the nature preserve. 



Park Forest

One of Fido’s favorite destinations is just seven miles north of town in Alabaster. The Beneful Alabaster Dream Dog Park and Veteran’s Park is an amazing place to spend time with your pup. Covered with synthetic turf, there are separate fenced areas for both large dogs and small pups. The water splash pad made especially for Fido is perfect when the sun is shining and the weather is hot. Your energetic pooch will have fun running through the tunnels and hoops, or playing fetch on the football field. Pup parents who also enjoy exercising will love the walking course where both you and your pooch can walk some laps. Just be sure to use the doggie waste bags and clean up after Fido. 




If you are searching for a place to spend time with your pup and get a history lesson, the Brierfield Iron Works Park is just seven miles south of Montevallo. You can walk through the area and read about the Brierfield Furnace that was developed in 1861. It has evolved into a historical park and offers a place to walk with your pup under the shade trees. There are public bathrooms where you can refill water bottles at the fountain and there is a swimming pool for the kids. The nature trail is perfect to let Fido sniff the plants, just remember to bring your own doggie waste bags. 

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Montevallo, AL?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Montevallo, AL?


How long does a dog walk last in Montevallo, AL?


How to book a dog walk in Montevallo, AL?


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