Best dog walkers in Oak Creek

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Best dog walkers in Oak Creek

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Caleigh H avatar

1. Caleigh H

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Tustin, CA, 92782


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5 (277)

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Tustin, CA, 92782

Spencer B avatar

2. Spencer B

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Eagle, CO, 81631


Five stars

4.9 (436)

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Eagle, CO, 81631

Anais H avatar

3. Anais H

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Edwards, CO, 81632


Five stars

5 (0)

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Edwards, CO, 81632

Amanda J avatar

4. Amanda J

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Avon, CO, 81620


Five stars

5 (0)

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Avon, CO, 81620

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Oak Creek?

Booking a local dog walker in Oak Creek, CO is easy with the Wag! app. Simply set your pup's preferences and location, then let the platform match you with the perfect dog walker near you. You can even track your dog's walk with the GPS map in the app and see a report card of your pup's playdate when they return home. Stress-free pet care is just a tap away, and dog walkers all over the Oak Creek, CO are waiting to give your pooch the attention they deserve.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Oak Creek



Southeast Oak Creek

In the Southeast Oak Creek neighborhood of Oak Creek, you will find a pawtastic place for an outdoor overnighter with your fur-iendly pup! The Shoe and Stocking Campground lies directly on the Shoe and Stocking Creek and offers lots of hiking opportunities right from your campsite. Let Fido run off leash here and play in the water. These are more rustic facilities, so be sure to plan accordingly and bring plenty of food, water and other necessary supplies. This rural outing requires a bit of planning to make sure you and your pup are acclimated to the area’s higher altitude.




Visit the town of Yampa, 9 miles south of Oak Creek, where you and your pup can start an outdoor adventure at the Bear Lake Campground. This location is pup-friendly and offers many prime fishing locations and boating fun. Many people like to bring their canoes or paddle boards to these quiet waters. You will find many hiking opportunities with your pup here. For a short stroll, head down to the waterfront and relax or jump on the Stillwater Trailhead which begins just down the road from your campsite. Be sure to pack plenty of water for your hiking adventures.



Steamboat Springs

Emerald Park, in the Steamboat Springs neighborhood of the city of Steamboat Springs, is just 21 miles north of Oak Creek and offers open play areas to roam and direct Yampa River access! Pups must remain on leash, and clean up stations are provided. Or try either Little Toots Park or West Lincoln Park which both provide direct access to the Yampa River Core Nature/Hiking Trail. Restrooms and fountains are located at all parks. Are you hungry yet? Dine at the Backcountry Delicatessen, The Egg and I, or Scratch where you will find multiple dog-friendly outdoor patio dining tables.



Southwest Steamboat Springs

The South Steamboat Springs neighborhood of the city of Steamboat Springs, just 21 miles north of Oak Creek, is home to the Emerald Mountain Quarry and your ticket to pup-tastic fun! This popular hiking destination is where you and your pup can connect with nature on this 3.8 mile out and back trail. It is a prime birdwatching location, so be sure to pack a pair of binoculars. The terrain is assessed as moderate, so plan according to your pup’s ability.  Be sure to bring along plenty of water, and pack a picnic lunch to share along this scenic trail.


Elk River Mountain Ranch

Pack up your pup and head to the Elk River Mountain Ranch neighborhood of the city of Steamboat Springs, 21 miles north of Oak Creek. Here you will find the Christina State Wildlife Area where you and your pawtastic friend can enjoy the great outdoors. This is prime trout fishing territory, so don’t forget your rod and reel and show off your casting skills! Afterwards, you can hike for miles throughout this wilderness area. And if you want to spend a bit more time, plan ahead to stay at their dog-friendly camping facilities. Keep Fido on leash at the campsites.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Oak Creek, CO?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Oak Creek, CO?


How long does a dog walk last in Oak Creek, CO?


How to book a dog walk in Oak Creek, CO?


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