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Best dog walkers in Shipshewana

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1. Sophia E

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Middlebury, IN, 46540


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Middlebury, IN, 46540

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Shipshewana?

Top-rated dog walkers in Shipshewana, IN are standing by to take your dog on walk around your neighborhood. Browse Caregiver profiles to find dog walkers that are experienced with your pet's specific needs, or let the Wag! platform match you with a highly rated dog walker that's local to your Shipshewana, IN neighborhood. You can even ask your dog walker to feed your pup a meal after their walk! Simply download the Wag! app to get started with your Pet Parent profile.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Shipshewana




Does your dog really appreciate food made from scratch? Off Milton, in the Amish backdrop of Shipshewana, you can find the Bread Box Bakery, which has been making traditional foods from scratch since 1984. Many folks stop by just to pick up the authentic jams and jellies or the Bread Box's baked goods to take home. You and Fido can stop by for a pet-friendly meal where your dog can pull his tail up to the outside seating area. You can try traditional meals like a turkey Waldorf, BBQ pork, or Mandarin almond chicken salad — all made by Amish hands, in an Amish kitchen.



North Village

Does your dog like exploring nature preserves and swimming in one of the tributaries of the Great Lakes? If you live in the northern segment of town, in North Village, you can head up to Shipshewana Lake Park. The park covers 23 acres of land flushed up against the Shipshewana Lake. A little further south, on the lake's edge, you can find Beatys Beach. This watering hole has a little community living around the river's bank and is the pawfect place to take Fido for a swim! Just make sure to pack plenty of waste bags, water, and a leash for your lakeside adventures.



Middlebury Street

Does your dog like nature trails complete with autumnal scenery? If you live off Middlebury Street, you and Fido can travel down to a trailhead that epitomizes the fall season, year-round. This historic trail connects 4 communities through 25 miles of trail system, connecting with the Mapleheart Trail and the Wilden Avenue Trail. Walking with Fido along the path, you'll see cedars, maples, and pines swaying in the Indiana wind. During the fall, when the foliage changes colors, the Pumpkinvine Trail becomes a communal spot for locals to exploe — doggos included! Leashes are required on all the trails.



Downtown Shipshewana

Does your dog love vintage crafts and vendor booths? If his bark means yes, then he'll love visiting the outdoor and dog-friendly Shipshewana Auction & Flea Market! You and Fido can get some massive retail therapy done at the flea market, which is famous for offering antiquities and personalized arts and crafts. The flea market opens during the summer months, from May through September. You and your dog can wind your way through the vendor booths to find novelty items you can't find anywhere else. When you get hungry, you can head to the Backyard Barnyard for food that's "The Best of the Farm." Or, you can try the Finer Swiner Diner, which has award-winning pulled pork sandwiches.



Pine Knob

Does your dog love wandering through densely forested parks? If you live down off Pine Knob, you and Fido can delve into 229 acres of oak trees, pines, maples, and prairie oak in Pine Knob Park. There is a 3-D archery trail, walking trails, and fishing docks within the park, which makes it a furrific place to take the whole pack for a day in the great outdoors. On top of this, there are picnic areas and grills that are perfect for a picnic with your pooch! Dogs need to be kept on their leash and well-behaved, but other than that, they're more than welcome in Pine Knob!

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Shipshewana, IN?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Shipshewana, IN?


How long does a dog walk last in Shipshewana, IN?


How to book a dog walk in Shipshewana, IN?


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