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Best dog walkers in Henderson

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Diana K avatar

1. Diana K

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Evansville, IN, 47712


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Evansville, IN, 47712

Lilynan E avatar

2. Lilynan E

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Evansville, IN, 47714


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5 (10)

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Evansville, IN, 47714

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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Why book a dog walker in Henderson?

Henderson, KY has plenty of "pawesome" places for your pup to explore, and booking a walk through Wag! is the easiest way to let them get out to sniff, scratch, and spot squirrels. Local dog walkers all over the Henderson, KY are vetted by Wag! and ready to pick up your pooch for a stroll around the neighborhood. Many Henderson, KY parks are dog-friendly and have plenty of space for your pup to get their steps in. Whether you're stuck at work or out on your own adventure, book a trusted dog walker to keep your pup happy and healthy.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Henderson



Audubon Heights

Audubon Heights is home to Henderson’s one off-leash dog park, Community Bark Park. Here, your dog can run and play in separate small and large dog areas. Both areas are fenced in, and there are picnic tables for owners to sit at while their dog plays. There’s also a doggy water fountain in the dog park. When your pup is all finished playing, get lunch with them at Mr. B’s Pizza and Hot Wings. Grab one of this casual restaurant’s four dog-friendly tables, and enjoy delicious and classic bar fare, like wings, burgers, and pizza.



Walnut Lane

Want to take a long walk with your pup? Head over to John James Audubon State Park. This state park has one trail where you can walk your dog on-leash: Eagle Glen Pet Trail. This 0.9-mile trail begins in the Audubon Museum parking lot. From there, it will take you up a variety of hills, providing stunning views of the surrounding area. The trail also takes you through forests and along ravines. Bring some doggy bags and water for yourself and your dog, and have a great time hiking in this park.



Zion Road

This Henderson neighborhood has another woof-derful park where you can bring your dog on-leash: Sandy Lee Watkins Park. This park features over 500 acres of fields, woodlands, and lakes. There’s also a beautiful antique wooden bridge here. You can see all of these great sites on Sandy Lee Watkins’ three miles of flat and paved hiking trails. Bring water and some doggy bags, and have fun hiking with your dog at this park. After your hike, have a snack or a picnic lunch with your dog at one of Sandy Lee Watkins’ 10 shelters. If you’d like to cook up some burgers or hot dogs for you and your dog, grills are available at these shelters. 




For another fun park, head over the Indiana border to Evansville and check out Lamasco Park. This park is 13 miles from Henderson, and it welcomes dogs on-leash. Here, you can walk on a flat and paved trail that goes through the entire park. Along the way, the trail passes open fields and beautiful Pigeon Creek. You and your dog will have a great time walking here! After the park, treat yourself and your dog to lunch at Lamasco Bar & Grill. Here, you and your dog can enjoy sandwiches, wings, burgers, specialty pizzas and more at Lamasco’s dog-friendly outdoor tables.



French Island Trail

This Newburgh neighborhood is home to another pawesome place to take your dog for a walk, Indian Hill Overlook Park. This park is about 18 miles from Henderson, and it welcomes dogs on-leash. Here, take your pup for a walk on a short trail that goes to the top of Indian Hill. From here, you’ll get amazing views of the Ohio River. If you want to go on a longer walk, this park also connects to the Rivertown Trail Greenway. This paved trail goes along the Ohio River, providing great views the whole way through. Bring some water and doggy bags, and have a pawesome time walking on this trail.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Henderson, KY?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Henderson, KY?


How long does a dog walk last in Henderson, KY?


How to book a dog walk in Henderson, KY?


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