Best dog walkers in Northwood

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Best dog walkers in Northwood

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Kate R avatar

1. Kate R

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Deerfield Center, NH, 03037


Five stars

4.9 (129)

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Deerfield Center, NH, 03037

Kamerin H avatar

2. Kamerin H

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Strafford, NH, 03884


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5 (0)

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Strafford, NH, 03884

Kyleigh C avatar

3. Kyleigh C

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Deerfield, NH, 03037


Five stars

5 (2)

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Deerfield, NH, 03037

Jenay G avatar

4. Jenay G

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Epsom, NH, 03234


Five stars

4.5 (9)

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Epsom, NH, 03234

Holly A avatar

5. Holly A

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Rochester, NH, 03839


Five stars

4.4 (14)

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Rochester, NH, 03839

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Why book a dog walker in Northwood?

Is your pup ready for a stroll around the neighborhood? Find local dog walkers in Northwood, NH who are background checked and vetted by Wag!. Easily schedule recurring walks ahead of time for days when you're in the office, or book on demand when you're out on the town and can't get home in time to walk your dog. Wag! is here to help you ensure your pup can enjoy the sniffs and sights around your Northwood, NH neighborhood, even sending you pictures during the walk and notifications when your furry family member does their business.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Northwood



Northwood Lake

Northwood Lake is named for the lake in the northwest section of Northwood. A popular destination for fishing and other water sports, the lake itself is surrounded by single-family homes and campsites. Your furry companion is welcome to join in the fishing and paddling, although he is not permitted on the beach. However, the rest of the lakeshore is open to him, on leash. The lake is easy to get to via Route 4 which follows about 2 miles of the shoreline. When hunger strikes, Johnson Seafood and Steak is a fur-friendly restaurant that sits on the lake’s north shore. Open for lunch and dinner, find a wide variety of dishes on the menu, from sandwiches to lobster pie, from haddock to prime rib. Bone apetit!



Forest Peters Wildlife Management Area

This 456-acre wildlife area is managed by the NH Fish and Game, whose mission is to protect wildlife and provide accessible outdoor recreation opportunities for the public. The Forest Peters Area consists of wetlands that form the headwaters of the Lamprey River, along with forestland and meadows. This protected area is home to waterfowl and other birds, moose, and deer. Dog-friendly trails connect with those of Northwood Meadows State Park and Parsonage Lot Town Forest, and provide ample opportunities to view numerous species of wildlife and native foliage and a long trek through these areas. There’s even a beaver pond for the curious among you! 




Adjacent to Northwood, Lee is a small town that is definitely dog-friendly. Its Friend-lee Pets Dog Park, which is behind the Friendly Pets Store, is a 30,000 sq ft fenced yard for play, running and socializing while owners watch and admire. For timid or small dogs, there is a smaller, gated area where they can feel safe. The park provides dog shelters and picnic tables for rest and shelter, as well as agility and endurance equipment. Fresh water is provided, and there is even a fenced in dog watering-hole to splash and cool off. The store offers a pet-bakery with furr-licious cookies and cakes for your Bestie. Another dog-friendly spot in Lee is DeMerritt Hill Farm where your leashed fur-pup is welcome.  The farm features pick-your-own fruit and vegetables, as well as hiking trails, a bakery, a hayride attraction and 2 play areas for the non-furry children. 



Town Center/ U of New Hampshire-Main Campus

This neighborhood in Durham, a short drive from Northwood on Route 4, hosts a few Fido-friendly restaurants. Bella’s welcomes pups at its outdoor seating, where you can enjoy such delicacies as calamari, roast pork, fried fish and other dishes that will make you both drool. Aroma Joe’s offers human furr-liciousness in the form of coffees and teas, and pup-shareable items like Bacon English Muffins, biscuits and smoothies.  Doggo will have to stay tethered outside while you go in to order, but he will think the wait is worth it! On Main Street, Tacomano Street Food awaits! You and your canine date can sidle up to one of the outdoor tables and enjoy tacos, quesadillas and salads, with a wide selection of toppings and fillings. Yum!



Gates Corner

Just a few miles east of Durham is the town of Dover, and home to the Dover Community Trail. Built upon an old railroad line, the trail is flat and easy for a stroll with Fido. It has 4 sections, and is open year-round. Pups must be leashed on the 3.8-mile trail, which begins at Fisher St and ends at Watson Rd. With an asphalt and crushed stone surface, it’s possible to bike, skate, walk, or cross-country ski. As the trail heads north from Fisher Street, it passes the Dover Cassily Community Garden, a peaceful place where you and Fido can watch the progress of the vegetables planted there in the summer months.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Northwood, NH?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Northwood, NH?


How long does a dog walk last in Northwood, NH?


How to book a dog walk in Northwood, NH?


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