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Best dog walkers in Crawfordville

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1. Molly P

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Crawfordville, FL, 32327


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Crawfordville, FL, 32327

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Crawfordville?

Need a dog walker in a pinch? Vetted Pet Caregivers in the Crawfordville, FL area are just a few taps away when you use the Wag! app to book a walk for your dog. Once you've found the "pawfect" dog walker near you, you can save your dog walker as a preferred Caregiver for easy booking the next time you need them. Crawfordville, FL dog walkers are background checked by Wag! and rated by other local Pet Parents so you don't have to worry about your dog while you're out.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Crawfordville




Don't let your doggo stay indoors all day—daily walks are key to a happy and healthy pooch! One spot where you and Fido can get some exercise is Hickory Park on Hickory Avenue. Take a leashed stroll on the walking trail, where one lap is a little over 0.2 miles. Tall trees provide ample shade on hot days, while security lighting enhances the safety of the area. Other park amenities include playground equipment, picnic facilities, restrooms, and a tennis court. Parking is also available to make the site accessible, so hop in the car with Fido and drive over to Hickory Park!



Crawfordville Parks

Maintain an active and healthy lifestyle with your pupper by visiting Azalea Park frequently! Workout stations are set up at the north and south ends of this beautiful park, while a walking trail meanders through the site's trees and grassy areas. Near the gazebo, you'll find a colorful lion that's painted monthly by the locals. Hudson Park, which sits adjacent to Azalea Park, is also a good spot to take your canine companion for a walkie. This park regularly hosts county events, so you and Fido can watch a parade or join a celebration if you chance upon one while you're there!



Wakulla Station

If your pooch is up for an outdoor adventure, leash up and go exploring in the Wakulla State Forest! Covering nearly 4,300 acres in Wakulla and Leon Counties, the Wakulla State Forest welcomes non-hunting dogs as long as they are leashed and do not disturb the wildlife. Some of the animals that you and Fido might encounter are the bobcat, feral hog, turkey, white-tailed deer, and various resident and migratory birds. There are several hiking-only and multi-use trails to choose from, including the Nemours Trail. Following old jeep trail paths, this 1.75-mile trail will take you and your dog through a hardwood/cypress slough, pine plantation, and mixed pine/hardwood forest.



Jack Crum

Should you and Fido find yourselves in the southern end of town, you can stretch your legs at Medart Park on Recreation Drive. This hub for active recreation features a 0.8-mile walking trail, which will take you and your pooch past the park's many athletic fields and courts. For an unusual and memorable trip with your furry buddy, check out the Roadside Rusted Ford Trucks on Crawfordville Highway. A popular spot among tourists and shutterbugs, this roadside stop features rusty, old Ford trucks arranged in chronological order. They're definitely a sight to behold, so don't forget to bring your camera and take pictures of your pup in front of them!




Need to stay in Crawfordville with your pup for a few days? Book a pet-friendly room at the Magnuson Hotel Wildwood Inn, which welcomes two small pets for an additional fee per pet, per night. As a guest in this smoke-free hotel, you'll get access to free parking, Wi-Fi, and breakfast, among other modern amenities. Just a stone's throw from the hotel is The Seineyard at Wildwood, where you can grab a home-style American meal with Fido in tow. Share a table with your pooch on the dog-friendly screened porch, and wind down with some live music in the background.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Crawfordville, FL?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Crawfordville, FL?


How long does a dog walk last in Crawfordville, FL?


How to book a dog walk in Crawfordville, FL?


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