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Best dog walkers in Hahira

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Daniela H avatar

1. Daniela H

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Hahira, GA, 31632


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5 (150)

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Hahira, GA, 31632

Jenny J avatar

2. Jenny J

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Hahira, GA, 31632


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4.9 (938)

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Hahira, GA, 31632

Katelyn A avatar

3. Katelyn A

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Bemiss, GA, 31605


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5 (0)

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Bemiss, GA, 31605

Rose R avatar

4. Rose R

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Valdosta, GA, 31605


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4.8 (1516)

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Valdosta, GA, 31605

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Why book a dog walker in Hahira?

To book a walk for your dog in Hahira, GA, choose between a 20-minute, 30-minute or 60-minute walk for your pup. Then, let the Wag! platform match you with a top-rated dog walker near you. Or, you can browse Caregiver profiles to find the best dog walker for you and your pup's preferences. You can even save the Caregivers your dog liked best so you can easily book them again! When you're away or unable to walk your dog, let a Hahira, GA dog walker do it for you.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Hahira




Because Hahira is purely a residential city, there are not any large parks here. To get to the closest dog park in the area, you will have to drive fifteen minutes south to Bemiss, in the large neighboring city of Valdosta. Here, you will find Freedom Park. True to its name, Freedom Park will give your pooch just that -- freedom! The park is open to all in the community with plenty of ball fields and golf course. And the best part? There is a dog park within the park where dogs can run freely and play on the agility equipment. 



Central Lakeland

If you drive less than twenty minutes from your home in Hahira, you will arrive in Central Lakeland -- home to the Banks Lake National Wildlife Refuge. This gigantic nature preserve is 4,049 acres with plenty of open space. It is also a natural location for an ancient geologic sink. The refuge welcomes all leashed dogs. Not only are there plenty of trails to choose from and open spaces to sit and relax in, but the park also has plenty of wildlife viewing spots. You know your pooch would love to watch the ducks in the water or the deer prance through the forest. It is also a popular destination among locals year round for fishing! Who wouldn't love a day outdoors with their pooch boating, fishing and relaxing?




Located only fifteen miles north of Hahira is the quiet, quaint city of Adel. Central Adel is home to what can only be seen as a beautiful, serene park perfect for a sunny Georgia afternoon. Adel City Park does not have a dog park, but it is a medium-sized stretch of land with attractive brick accents, making it perfect to take photos of your pup. It also has plenty of playground equipment if you want to make it a family event and take some toddlers along. Just be sure to take a leash and your own doggie poop bags as the park does not provide any.




Georgians are incredibly lucky people. Not only do they get to live in a beautiful place, but they are also surrounded by gigantic nature preserves. If you drive an hour from your home in Hahira, you can visit the Okefenokee Wildlife Refuge. This nature preserve is like no other. It has plenty of amenities, guided tours and restaurants. However, alligators roam freely in the park, so you will definitely want to keep your beloved companion on a leash at all times! Consider making your trip to Okefenokee Wildlife Refuge a day trip and spend your time exploring the vast forest and swampland.




Located less than fifteen miles from Hahira, in the town of Berlin, is Reed Bingham State Park. Like many other state parks, Reed Bingham does not have a designated area for dogs. However, it is 1,613 acres in size with a 375-acre lake. You and your pup will definitely be able to find a quiet spot to play, eat food or relax. Just make sure you keep your pooch on a leash, as every now and then there are alligator sightings. When you are done playing in nature, you can always check out the mini-golf course and gift shop.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Hahira, GA?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Hahira, GA?


How long does a dog walk last in Hahira, GA?


How to book a dog walk in Hahira, GA?


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